Project Report Guidelines

Version 14 January 2008.

At each milestone hand-in, each group member is to individually prepare a written report. This is not to be prepared as a group or with others. This report helps you communicate your ideas, reflect on the process of developing the project as well as the content of the project itself while demonstrating your knowledge about the design, development, and validation of the project milestone. Your report should contain the following information. This report constitutes a significant part of the grade that you will receive on the milestone. It should be between 3 and 5 pages (single-spaced, 10-point font, one-inch margins) in length.

The specific results will be kept in strict confidence, although I might share the combined (but anonymous) responses from a group to an individual member of the group. Please be frank and complete in your responses. Unless otherwise indicated, please hand this in both hardcopy and softcopy using CollectIt.


Make sure to include your name, your group's name, the date, and the name of the milestone.

Group member evaluation

Add each group member's name, including yourself, in the 2nd row of the table. Rate each person along a 5 point scale with 5 being BEST and 1 being WORST

Person 1
(name below)
Person 2
(name below)
Person 3
(name below)
Person 4
(name below)

Attitude toward project and achieving a good result

Quality of work contributed by each team member

Attendance at meetings

Communication during meetings

Communication outside of meetings

Efforts to share work and contribute as "part of the team"

Ability to meet deadlines

Meeting the team's expectations

Suppose you have 100 units of something desireable to distribute across your team in proportion to their overall contribution and effort on this project. How would you distribute it? [The sum over all of the team members will be 100%.]

DESCRIPTIVE and QUALITATIVE comments on each member's part in the team work (including your own!!). For each member, mention:

Teamwork description

Describe how your group worked together. Where and when did you work with one or more of your groupmates? Did you have any problems or breakdowns in communication or any part of the groupwork? How did you resolve these? What are the things that your group did that were positive and constructive? What do you need to improve for the next milestone?

Reflecting on the milestone as a whole

  1. What were the interesting or challenging parts of the project so far?

  2. What was the most important part of this milestone and what did you learn from working on it?

  3. How did this milestone reflect things that you have learned in the class readings and class discussions?

  4. Have you met any of your course goals? Which ones? Why or why not?

  5. For all but the last milestone: What do you need to do differently for the next milestone? For the last milestone: what is one thing that you would do differently if you were to do this project over?

Adapted from Project report guidelines developed by Perkins and VanDeGrift at UW Seattle for CSE 142, Winter 2003.