Security & Critical Infrastructure Minitrack



Gregory B. White (Primary Contact)

Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security

The University of Texas at San Antonio

6900 North Loop 1604 West

San Antonio, TX  78249, USA

Phone: +1210-458-6307

Fax: +1-210-458-2170


Wm. Arthur Conklin

Department of Information & Logistics Technology

College of Technology

University of Houston

312 Technology Building

Houston, TX 77204, USA

Phone: +1-713-743-1556 (o)

Fax: +1-713-743-4032


Rayford B. Vaughn, Jr.

Infrastructure Protection Center

PO Box 6343

Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA

Phone: +1-662-325-3570

Fax: +1-662-325-8997


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Information Technology has become pervasive in all aspects of our lives and increasingly is involved in critical infrastructures. Governments have also embraced IT to interface with citizens in a more efficient manner. Security issues have risen to the forefront as a result of data disclosures and identity theft incidents discussed in mainstream media.  Other issues include intellectual property theft and criminal acts involving computers. Although 85% of the US critical infrastructure components are privately owned and operated, government has a place at the table regarding regulation and operating rules. This minitrack examines aspects associated with the security of information technology used by governments and critical infrastructures (with an emphasis on automated control systems) and explores ways that IT can enhance the ability of governments to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. Topics can range from technical, to process, to people-related as security is a result of these main topics working together.

Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. -Systems for governments to respond to security events

  2. -Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)

  3. -Cyber Physical Systems security

  4. -Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)  and control systems

  5. -Information Assurance and Trusted Computing

  6. -Security Related Information Sharing

  7. -Information Security Economics

  8. -Information Warfare

  9. -Incident Response

  10. -Digital Forensics

  11. -Privacy and Freedom of Information

  12. -Security Management

  13. -Laws and Regulation of IT Security

  14. -Security concerns of new technologies, e.g. Social Media, mobile computing

  15. -Government Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

  16. -Case Reports Related to Security Experiences Within Government

  17. -

More co-chair information

Gregory B. White, PhD, is the Director of the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security at The University of Texas at San Antonio.  He has been involved in computer security for over 20 years and has published extensively on the subject.  His research interests currently include community cyber security, security visualization, mini-botnet detection and eradication, and critical infrastructure protection.  He is the creator of the Community Cyber Security Maturity Model (CCSMM) and is also involved in security competitions at both the collegiate and high school levels

Wm. Arthur Conklin, CISSP, CSSLP is an Assistant Professor in the Information and Logistics Technology department of the College of Technology at the University of Houston.  He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration, from The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), with specialization in Information Systems.  Currently a founding member of the Center for Information Security Research and Education (CISRE) at the University of Houston, Dr. Conklin has previously served as the Technical Director for the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS) at The University of Texas at San Antonio. His research interests include the use of systems theory to explore information security, specifically in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), and the measurement of security through regulation and metrics.  He has an extensive background in secure coding and is a member of DHS Software Assurance Forum working group for workforce education and development. A frequent speaker on information security, he has authored numerous academic publications on security and is a co-author on four books on information security.

Rayford B. Vaughn, Jr. received his Ph.D. from Kansas State University in 1988.  He is one of twelve William L. Giles Distinguished Professors at Mississippi State University where he conducts research in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Security.  Prior to joining the University, he completed a twenty-six year career in the US Army retiring as a Colonel in 1995 and three years as a Vice President of DISA Integration Services, EDS Government Systems.   Dr. Vaughn has over 100 publications to his credit, has obtained more than $15M in funded research projects, and is an active contributor to software engineering and information security conferences and journals.  In 2004, Dr. Vaughn was named a Mississippi State University Eminent Scholar and in 2008 he was named Mississippi State University’s most outstanding faculty member.   He is the current Director of the MSU Center for Critical Infrastructure Protection and the Center for Computer Security Research.  In 2009 he was designated the Department Head for Computer Science and Engineering and in 2010 became the Associate Vice President for Research at MSU.


“Secure Cyberspace is Essential for the Trust in 21st Century Government”