Transformational Government




J. Ramon Gil-Garcia (Primary Contact)

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Carretera México-Toluca 3655

Col. Lomas de Santa Fe 01210 México, DF, Mexico

Phone: +52-55-5727-9800 Ex. 2311


Maddalena Sorrentino

State University of Milan, Italy

Dept. of Economics, Business, and Statistics

Via Conservatorio, 7 I-20122 Milan, Italy

Phone: +39-02-5032-1148

Fax: +39-02-5032-1505


Miriam Lips

Victoria University of Wellington

School of Information

Management & School of Government

PO Box 600

Wellington, 6035

New Zealand

Phone: +64-4-4637411

or 4635507


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Initially, e-Government was considered a technical phenomenon. However, in the last few years, research on this topic clearly showed its multidimensional nature and identified the importance of strategic, political, managerial, organizational, and external relationship factors to understand and explain the ICT-enabled transformation of government. This mini-track examines the complexity of effectively managing e-Government and its transformational potential. Increasingly, this involves inter-organizational collaboration and the management of relationships with citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders.

This mini-track welcomes papers that focus on the transformational aspects of e-Government as well as their implications for government, citizens and society. It looks for empirical, theoretical or conceptual contributions that show the importance of strategic, political, institutional, managerial, organizational, and democratic factors in managing e-Government.

Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. -Strategies for e-Government and transformational government

  2. -Strategies for the development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of public sector information systems

  3. -Inter-organizational collaboration, public-private partnerships, and other collaborative arrangements in the public sector

  4. -Government information sharing and information integration

  5. -Methods and frameworks for e-Government evaluation and performance assessment and control

  6. -Innovation management, benchmarking, and trend monitoring in e-Government

  7. -Transformation and change management in e-Government initiatives

  8. -Business models for e-Government

  9. -Stakeholder Management in e-Government

  10. -User-centric e-Government

  11. -Government front-office and back-office integration or transformation

  12. -EAM - e-Government Architecture Management

  13. -IT/IS Planning and Management in Government

  14. -Knowledge management in Government

  15. -Accountability and Governance structures

  16. -Political, economic and social aspects of e-Government

  17. -Citizens, businesses and other stakeholders as e-Government users

More co-chair information

J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Director of the Data Center for Applied Research in Social Sciences at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City.  Ramon is the author or co-author of articles in The International Public Management Journal, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Government Information, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, Public Finance and Management, International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce, among others.  His research interests include collaborative electronic government, inter-organizational information integration, adoption and implementation of emergent technologies, digital divide policies, education policy, new public management, public policy evaluation, and multi-method research approaches. He is also a former Fulbright Scholar.

Maddalena Sorrentino, PhD, researches in organization theory and is a professor of e-Government at the University of Milan, Italy. She is the author and editor of seven books and more than 150 articles, essays, Italian and international conference communications, and research reports. Maddalena is a member of the editorial boards of Government Information Quarterly and Information Systems and e-Business Management. She is advisor to private and public institutions on topics related to organizational development and technological change.

Miriam Lips, PhD, is the first Professor of e-Government at Victoria University of Wellington, with positions in the School of Information Management and the School of Government, and a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Her Chair at Victoria University of Wellington is sponsored by Datacom systems Limited, State Services Commission, Department of Internal Affairs, FX Networks Limited and Microsoft NZ. For more information on Professor Lips' activities please visit her website at

Transformational Government

Strategy, Management, Organization, and Users :

“Effectiveness and Efficiency, Internal and External, Are Key to Building Smarter Government”