Emerging Topics Minitrack

Theresa A. Pardo (Primary Contact)
Center for Technology in Government
University at Albany, SUNY
187 Wolf Road, Suite 301
Albany, NY 12205, USA
Phone: +1-518-442-3892
Fax: +1-518-442-3886
Email: tpardo@ctg.albany.edu
Karine Barzilai-Nahon
Director, Center for Information and Society
Assistant Professor
The Information School
University of Washington
Mary Gates Hall, Room 330V, Box 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA
Phone: +1-206-685-6668
Fax: +1-206-616-3152
Email: karineb@u.washington.edu
Bjoern Niehaves
European Research Center for Information Systems,
University of Muenster, Germany
Leonardo-Campus 3
D-48149 Muenster, Germany
Phone: +49-251-833-8087
Email: bjoern.niehaves@ercis.uni-muenster.de
Lawrence E. Brandt
Digital Government Research
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, CISE Directorate
National Science Foundation, Suite 1125
Arlington VA 22230, USA
Phone: +1-703-292-8912
Fax: +1-703-292-9073
Email: lbrandt@nsf.gov
Since e-Government is still a young domain of academic study, its structure is still evolving. While initial emphases wither, new directions of practice and research are forming. Whereas some new trends in technology and management cut across existing perspectives, other new topics may have the potential to become a sub-domain in their own right. Furthermore, the research foundations of the field still need to be spelled out more explicitly and rigorously. New data is badly needed. More new topics and trends are emerging in e-Government, for which it may be difficult to locate a nurturing home in one of the existing minitracks within the e-Gov Track at HICSS. Therefore, the Emerging Topics minitrack provides a home for incubating those new topics and trends.
Topics and research areas include but are not limited to:
- The conceptual and practice-based boundaries and foundations of the field of e-Government
-Agendas for e-Government research
-Foundations and research methodologies for the study of e-Government
-The nature of inter and multidisciplinary research designs in e-Government
-Differences and similarities between e-Government, PMIS and MIS research
-Mobile Government: Challenges, opportunities, standards, and protocols
-Mobile voice/data integration
-Mobile to legacy/non-mobile application integration
-Web 2.0 in government
-Data-driven public policy and decision-making
-Cloud computing and government
-e-Voting experience and issues
-Government’s role in open-source
-Archiving and Preservation for small organizations
-IT, government, and an aging population
-Others as appropriate to the purposes of the mini-track
-Societal challenges and e-Government
“Digital Government Mirrors and Anticipates Many Developments, which Later Become Major Trends”