Course websites are maintined in Canvas, the learning management system that has
been adopted by all Washington State public institutions of higher education.
If you are teaching one of these courses, I would be happy to share any material I've developed.
Just send me an e-mail.
Courses I've taught at UW Tacoma:
- TMATH 110: Introduction to statistics and its applications
- TMATH 120: Precalculus
- TMATH 124: Calculus I
- TMATH 125: Calculus II
- TMATH 126: Calculus III
- TMATH 307: Differential equations
- TMATH 310: Statistics with applications for environmental science
- TMATH 324: Multivariable calculus
- TMATH 327: Introduction to real analysis
- TMATH 350: Foundations of mathematical research
- TMATH 351: Mathematics Seminar
- TMATH 390: Probability and statistics in engineering and science a short activity
- TCSS 321: Discrete structures I
- TMATH 424: Real Analysis I
- TMATH 425: Real Analysis II
- TMATH 450: Mathematics Capstone
- TMATH 490: Special Topics in Mathematics