Nonhierarchy Music 575, Seminar in Theory Autumn 1990 John Rahn bibliography Alcoff, Linda. 1988. Cultural Feminism Versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory. Signs 13/3: 405-36. Barkin, Elaine. 1978. Notes in Progress. Journal of Music Theory 22/2: 291-312. -----. 1979. play it AS it lays. Perspectives of New Music 17/2: 17-24. __. 1979-80. A Dedication, Five ADmusementS, & A Digression. Perspectives of New Music 18: 407-21. -----. 1980-81. Earl Kim: Earthlight. Perspectives of New Music 19: 269-77. -----. 1981. Schoenberg's Opus 19/2. In Theory Only 6/1: 40. -----. 1982. In Your Own Verse: [a.k.a. "An Alice is Lost"]." In Theory Only 6/4: 3-8. Barthes, Roland. 1974. S/Z. Translated by R. Miller. New York: Hill and Wang. ----. 1985. L'aventure semiologique. Paris: Editions du Seuil. -----. 1977. Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang. Boretz, Benjamin. 1977. What Lingers On (, When the Song Is Ended). Perspectives of New Music 16/1: 102-9. -----. 1979. 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