Bibliography Music 576, Critical Theory of Music Art or Entertainment? John Rahn Spring 1992 Adorno, Theodor. 1976. Introduction to the Sociology of Music. New York: Seabury Press. ---. 1984. Aesthetic Theory. Translated by C. Lenhardt. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. ---. 1981. Prisms. Cambridge: MIT Press. ---. 1984. Gesammelte Schriften. Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main. Alcoff, Linda. 1988. Cultural Feminism Versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory. Signs 13/3: 405-36. Attali, Jacques. 1972. Noise: The Political Economy of Music. Translated by John Cumming. New York: Seabury Press. Benjamin, Walter. 1973. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In Illuminations, Trans. by H. Zohn (London: Fontana): 219-53. Bernard, Jonathan. 1992. The Minimalist Aesthetic in the Plastic Arts and in Music. Perspectives of New Music (Summer), forthcoming. Boretz, Benjamin. 1977. What Lingers On (, When the Song Is Ended). Perspectives of New Music 16/1: 102-9. ---. 1979. Language, as a Music. Perspectives of New Music 17/2: 131-196. ---. 1981-82. If I am a musical thinker. Perspectives of New Music 20: 464-518. ---. 1985. Interface, Part I: Commentary: The Barrytown Orchestra on Hunger Day, November 15, 1984. Perspectives of New Music 23/2: 90-95. ---. 1987. Interface, Part II: Thoughts in Reply to Boulez/Foucault, "Contemporary Music and the Public." Perspectives of New Music 25: 608-11. ---. 1989a. On Thinking about Various Issues induced by the Problem of Discovering That One Is Not a 'Composer', and That the Space Which One Inhabits Musically is Not 'America'. Perspectives of New Music 27/2 (Summer): 38-44. ---. 1989b. The Logic of What? Journal of Music Theory 33/1 (Spring): 107-16. ---. 1990. The Inner Studio: Strategies for Retrieving Reality in Music Experience and Practice. Unpublished MS (on reserve in Music Library). ---. 1991. Some Things I Noticed, Some Things I've Done, and Some Things I need to Think Some More About. In Proceedings of the Music and Power Symposium, ed. John Rahn. Seattle: Center for Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, School of Music, University of Washington. Cage, John. 1973. Silence. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. Chave, Anna. 1990. Minimalism and the Rhetoric of Power. The Arts Magazine (January): 44-63. Cixous, Helene. 1981a. Castration or Decapitation? Signs 7/1: 36-55. Collins, Douglas. 1985. Ritual Sacrifice and the Political Economy of Music. Perspectives of New Music 24/1 (Fall-Winter):14-23. ---. 1991. Banality and Repetition: The Critique of Power in Modern Aesthetic Culture. In Proceedings of the Music and Power Symposium, ed. John Rahn. Seattle: Center for Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, School of Music, University of Washington. Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari. 1987. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Translated by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Derrida, Jacques. 1987. The Truth in Painting. Translated by G. Bennington and I. McLeod. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Dunn, David. 1989. Environment, Consciousness, and Magic: An Interview with David Dunn. Interviewed by Michael Lampert. Perspectives of New Music 27/1 (Winter): 94-105. Fisher, Alfred. 1992. Unmasking Rigor: Composition, Analysis, and the Poetry of Experience. Perspectives of New Music 30/2 (Summer), forthcoming. Flax, Jane. 1987. Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory. Signs 12/4: 621-43. Foucault, Michel and Pierre Boulez. 1985. Contemporary Music and the Public. Perspectives of New Music 24/1 (Fall-Winter): 6-13. Gaburo, Kenneth, et al. 1979-80. Gaburo. Perspectives of New Music 18: 11-257. ---. 1987. LA. Perspectives of New Music 25: 496-510. ---. 1991. ESSAYS ON DAMAGE, --- and OTHER: AH DIO (third essay). In Proceedings of the Music and Power Symposium, ed. John Rahn. Seattle: Center for Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, School of Music, University of Washington. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. 1986. The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays. Translated by N. Walker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gans, Eric. 1985a. Art and Entertainment. Perspectives of New Music 24/1: 24-37. ---. 1985b. The End of Culture: Toward a Generative Anthropology. Berkeley: The University of California Press. ---. 1991a. Mallarmİ, Wagner, and the Power of Music. In Proceedings of the Music and Power Symposium, ed. John Rahn. Seattle: Center for Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, School of Music, University of Washington. ---. 1991b. The Beginning and End of Esthetic Form. Perspectives of New Music 29/2: 8-21. Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. .sp 2 ---. 1983. Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books. Girard, Rene. 1977. Violence and the Sacred. Translated by P. Gregory. 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Translated as "Women's Time", Signs 7/1: 13-55. ---. 1982. Powers of Horror. NY: Columbia University Press. Langer, Suzanne. 1942. Philosophy in a New Key. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Lyotard, Jean-Francois. 1984. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Translated by Bennington and Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ---. 1984. Answering the Question: What Is Postmodernism? In The Postmodern Condition, above (q.v.). Maus, Fred. 1988. Recent Ideas and Activities of James K. Randall and Benjamin Boretz: A New Social Role for Music. Perspectives of New Music (Summer): 214-23. McClary, Susan. 1991. Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Nestrovski, Arthur. 1991. Joyce's Critique of Music. Perspectives of New Music 29/1 (Winter): 6-47. Nye, Andrea. 1987. Woman Clothed with the Sun: Julia Kristeva and the Escape to/from Language. Signs 12/4: 664-86. Rahn, John. 1989a. What is Valuable in Art, and Can Music Still Achieve It? Perspectives of New Music 27/2 (Summer): 6-17. ---. 1989b. Notes on Methodology in Music Theory. Journal of Music Theory 33/1 (Spring): 143-54. ---. 1991. Differences. In Proceedings of the Music and Power Symposium, ed. John Rahn. Seattle: Center for Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, School of Music, University of Washington. ---. 1992. Repetition. Contemporary Music Review, forthcoming. Randall, J. K. 1985. Are You Serious? Perspectives of New Music 23/2: 72-89. Risatti. Howard. 1990. Postmodern Perspectives: Issues in Contemporary Art. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Roberts, David. 1991. Art and Enlightenment: Aesthetic Theory After Adorno. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Rochlitz, Rainer. 1989. Language for One, Language for All: Adorno and Modernism. Perspectives of New Music 27/2 (Summer): 18-37. ---. 1990. Thİories Esthetiques aprÜs Adorno. Arles: Actes sud. Said, Edward W. 1991. 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