ICS 139w • Summer Session II 2011 • Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences • UC Irvine
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Writing, arguments, and proposals often need to be formally presented to others. For this assignment, you will develop, write, and present a short (3 minute) PowerPoint presentation to the class.
Your presentation can be based on any or all of your previous assignments in this class. You can present the system you described in Assignment 2, the argument you made in Assignment 4, or the policy change you proposed in Assignment 5. You can also include content from multiple assignments—so if you proposed a change to a system in Assignment 4, your presentation might both introduce the class to that system, and then explain your proposed change.
Because of the compressed quarter and the large size of the class, presentations will be given in Ignite-style. Each student will have exactly 3 minutes and 12 slides to give his or her presentation. Slides will be set to auto-advance every 15 seconds. Thus you will need to time your presentation carefully, and make the best use of your time. Including videos or other forms of multimedia is welcome and encouraged, though you'll need to make sure that each clip fits on a single 15-second slide (choose wisely!)
The audience for this presentation is us: your classmates and instructors. You should explain your system or argument with a level of detail that is appropriate for and can be understood by your classmates. Try to keep us interested and engaged, and to clearly explain your topic to us. By the end of the presentations, we should all have a better understanding of close to 46 different technological systems and topics.
A draft of presentation slides for peer editing is due in class on
Finalized slides for the presentation will be due
Ignite-style presentations will be given in class on
25% of the score for this assignment will be based on the presentation itself. We understand that public speaking is stressful and scary enough with the addition of grade pressure. The main criterion we will use for evaluating your oral presentations is that you show up to give them, and that you're well prepared. We will not grade down significantly for speaking style, loudness of voice, or oratorical polish, though we do expect that you will try to address your audience appropriately. We will not grade down at all for nervousness, English pronunciation, or the speaker's personality.
75% of the score for this assignment will be based on the design of the PowerPoint slides—their readability, clarity, and style. A specific rubric will be posted here.