CSCI 440 Project Proposal — Spring 2013

Due Week 2 or 3

Written Document

Your first deliverable will be a short written proposal describing the project you intend to complete this semester. This document should let the reader know what you will be working on, providing context and motivation for the project. This document should answer questions such as:

Your proposal should be targeted at other computer science students--those with some knowledge of how computer systems work, but little-to-no familiarity with your particular domain.

This proposal should be two (2) pages long in ACM SIG format--no more, no less (you are not allowed to go over 2 pages, and you'll want to use up as much room as you have giving details!) This includes all title and author information, references, etc. (Note that the ACM SIG template is available in both Word and LaTeX format; you should submit a pdf version of your document in either case). This is a standard template for academic publication, and writing within these limits will give you practice giving a full yet concise description of your project. Note that your report should include:

You do NOT need to include ACM Categories, General Terms, or Keywords

Your written document is due 24 hours before before your proposal presentation (presentations will be scheduled individually during Weeks 2 and 3). You will also need to provide your discussant with a copy of your document. Be sure to proofread your report!

Oral Presentation

You will be formally presenting your project proposal in class. These will be rather short presentations (5-7 minutes) that give us the basic premise, with time for questions and discussion that can help to focus or otherwise advise on your project. The use of well-made slides or other media is encouraged.

Discussant's Role

As the discussant for the project proposal, your goal is to lead the group in offering nuanced consideration and brainstorming related to the presented project. Having read the paper before hand, you should take a moment to clarify any issues or ideas that may have been hard to understand in the presentation (e.g., ask the presenter questions), and then offer any feedback and on both the presentation and the idea. For example, you might emphasize what components of the project are particularly compelling ("I really like it how this project does X"), and potentially offer related that might help the presenter complete the project ("You should look at Y system as an example to work from"). You may also offer suggestions as to how the presenter may alter their plans ("Doing Q sounds like it might become a big time sink, maybe do P instead?") Remember that your goal is not to attack or critise the presenter, but to help make their project (and their presentation of it) more awesome! In addition, do your best to involve the entire class--you are there to provoke and moderate discussion!

We will have 5-7 minutes to discuss each project.