CS 261 Lab A - Hello Eclipse!

Due Wed Jan 23 at 9:00am


This lab will help you set up the Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) for future work this semester, and familiarize you with some of the system's basic features. The programming task here is fairly simple: you'll create the beginnings of an Calculator class that models a simple text-based calculator.

Note that this first lab should be completed individually (not in pairs).


Necessary Files

You will need to download the Eclipse IDE. Open the Eclipse download page in a separate window and find the link for the version of Eclipse for your computer (if you get lost, you're looking for the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers").

You will need to download the copy of the zipped source files. for the AddingMachine for you to import.



Submit the following files to the LabA submission folder on hedwig, following the instructions above: Hello.java, Calculator.java, CalculatorTester.java. Make sure you upload your work to the correct folder! The lab is due at the start of class on the day after the lab.


This lab is a warmup for this class and introduction to Eclipse. If you have any problems with the programming required, you should come see me ASAP.

You may also be interested in Lars Vogel's Eclipse tutorial, which I have based portions of this lab on. It has a great deal of more detail about particular features and configurations of this extensive piece of software.


This assignment will be graded based on the following criteria: