CS 161 Lab A - Moving Shapes

Due Thurs Jan 24 at 11:59pm


In this lab you will set up the BlueJ interactive Java environment (IDE) for future work this semester, and familiarize yourself with the program. You will use a provided project to practice creating and manipulating objects in order to create a basic picture of a robot. You will then practice submitting your work (in this case, a screenshot of the robot) electronically. Note that this first lab should be completed individually (not in pairs).


Necessary Files

You will need to download a copy of the DrawableShapes project.



Submit a screenshot of your yellow circle and a screenshot of your robot to the LabA submission folder on hedwig, following the instructions above. Make sure you upload your work to the correct folder! The lab is due at midnight on the day of the lab.


This lab is a warmup for this class. Don't be concerned if you don't understand any or all of the Java code in the DrawableShapes project. The goal is to become comfortable with using BlueJ, and using the BlueJ interface to instantiate objects and call methods to modify objects' attributes. As always, I welcome questions, so don't hesitate to ask!


This assignment will be graded on the following criteria (it is almost impossible not to get full credit on this lab!):