CS 315 Lab - d3js


In this lab, you will be completing an introductory tutorial for d3js, a JavaScript library for creating dynamic data visualizations.

This lab will give you a chance to explore some of the programming options for making graphs and charts, as well as to get a taste of SVG (an alternative system for web-based graphics, which we will talk about more in class on Friday).

Necessary Files

You should download this quick HTML starter code. It contains a basic (mostly empty) HTML file, an empty script file (visualization.js), and a CSS stylesheet file (style.css).

Important: you will need to tweak the tutorial's provided code somewhat to work with our setup (e.g., to make it act like a "real program" and not just a hacked demo). See below for details.

Lab Details

You task is to complete the introductory tutorials for d3js:

  1. Let's Make a Bar Chart Part I
  2. Let's Make a Bar Chart Part II
  3. Let's Make a Bar Chart Part III

You are also welcome to look at the many other tutorials available for the system, as well as to peek through the library's extensive examples.

A few notes on completing these tutorials: