CS 240 Homework 7 - Final Write-Up
Due Fri Dec 19 at 5:00pm
In this final assignment, you will write a short paper (1-2 pages) reflecting on your experience implementing the Project and what you've learned from this class overall.
Note that although this assignment has the key word "final" in it, it has the same weight as a regular individual homework.
- Reflect on the development process and how it influenced your work.
- Review material that has been covered throughout the course.
- Continue to practice writing about software development.
Assignment Details
For this paper, you should give a summation report on your project and what you learned from taking the class. Your paper should address all of the following prompts:
- Describe your contribution to the final project. What specific features/user stories/components did you implement? What was hard, easy, or interesting about these features? What challenges did you overcome?
- Reflect on your experiences collaborating with your team on the project. What were the challenges to working with a larger number of people, and how did you overcome those challenges?
- Reflect on the development process for the project: what were the benefits and drawbacks of using an Agile model? How might a Plan&Document model have helped you specifically? Consider your interactions with the customer, and how that influenced your understanding and development of the project.
- Now that the project is done, what do you wish you had done differently?
- Which ideas, processes, or concepts from class worked best/worst in developing your project? Which concepts do you think will be most helpful in the future? Overall what will you take away from this course?
You are welcome to address each prompt in an individual paragraph, or weave them all together into a single reflective address. In either case your writing should move clearly smoothly between ideas, clearly explaining your thoughts.
You should include details and specifics in your report--what is the "evidence" (tests!) you're basing your reflections on?
Iterate your writing! Make sure to go through your report more than once and be sure that it reads clearly. You will be graded on the clarity of your writing as well as the content of your paper.
Your report should be submitted to your personal homework repository on GitHub. Place the file in .pdf format in the top-level directory of the repository. Please name the files "Hwk7" or "Final report" or something similar so that I can easily identify it!
Please remember to put your name on your paper (and to give your final submissions one last read-through for typos and writing issues!)
The paper is due on Fri Dec 19 at 5pm. This is the Friday of finals week.
This assignment will be graded out of 20 points:
- Content
- [3pt] You describe and reflect on your contributes to the project
- [3pt] You describe and reflect on collaborating with your teammates
- [3pt] You describe and reflect on the development process
- [2pt] You describe and reflect on what you would have done differently
- [4pt] You describe and reflect on what you will take away from this course
- [1pt] You include specific details and examples in your responses
- Writing
- [1pt] Your writing clearly communicates your reflectins, with an organized and considered set of points.
- [1pt] Your writing is readable, using words and rhetoric devices appropriately.
- [2pt] Your paper is free of grammatical errors and shows evidence of proofreading