CS 315 Homework 2 - MiniPaint

Due Fri Sep 20 Sun Sep 22 at 11:59pm


In this assignment, you will complete the implementation of a two-dimensional editor which does its own scan conversion of simple primitives. The user interacts with the editor using Android input mechanisms and touch (or mouse, for the emulator). The editor allows the user to draw points, lines, circles, polylines (a set of connected line segments), and filled rectangles. It also offers a flood-fill option, which replaces connected pixels of one color with another color. Finally, the editor also offers a slick-looking airbrush for true artists in the class.

This assignment should be completed individually.


Necessary Files

You will need to download and extract a copy of the starter code. This project includes all the setup you should need to begin drawing. Note that the zip file also contains a README.txt file that you will need to fill out.

Some notes about the starter code:


Your task is to fill in the empty methods and code blocks in order to implement the app's scan conversion of primitives. I have provided method signatures for you.


You are encouraged to add new features and capabilities to your minipaint program (e.g., new primitives, new interface features, new touch events, rotated rectangles, etc). Check in before you do anything too time consuming; this is intended to be a shorter assignment.


BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: make sure your code is fully documented and functional! I will be grading primarily on functionality as demonstrated with the .minipaint files.

Upload your entire project (including all the src, resources, layouts, libraries, etc) to the Hwk2 submission folder on hedwig. Also include a filled-in copy of the README.txt file in your project directory!

The homework is due at midnight on Fri Sep 20.


This assignment will be graded based on approximately the following criteria: