CS 240 Lab 2: LaTeX

Due Mon Sep 16 at the start of class


In this lab you will practice working with LaTeX, a professional typesetting system. You will be asked to use LaTeX to write all documents and reports for this class. While it is possible to use other collaborative tools for writing group documents (e.g., Google Docs), LaTeX produces plain-text documents that can be managed via version control, as well as producing very nice looking documents. It's also a good skill to have!

To practice using LaTeX, you'll be creating a document that greatly benefits from clean typesetting: a resume. This will give you a chance to create a resume if you've never made one before, giving you a leg up when you start looking for a job. Note that your resume can be as simple or as fancy as you like---feel free to use existing templates (but be sure and cite your sources with a comment)!

You will also be putting your resumes (including their source code) under version control, so that you can see and share techniques with your classmates. You'll also be asked to start using some of the other collaboration tools offered through GitHub, specifically the Wiki so that we can gather resources for writing resumes using LaTeX.




Resume Writing Tips

Career and Employment Services has good resources for writing resumes. See their Resume Guide for details. You may also get help from the Writing Center.

Remember that a strong resume...

Some other resume resources I like:


Receiving full credit on this lab involves completion of three elements:

  1. Submitting a polished resume [resumes with glaring errors will be marked down]. Proofread your resume!
  2. Submitting LaTeX source code for your resume
  3. Adding an entry to the repository wiki

If you complete these three steps, then you will receive full credit on this lab!