CS 240 Lab 1: Git & GitHub

Due Mon Sep 09 at 11:59pm


The purpose of this lab is to get you started with git and GitHub. Git is a version control system (used to organize source code when multiple people are working on it), and GitHub is a hosting service for organizing git-controlled projects. In this lab you will setup a GitHub account, work through an online tutorial, and then submit some changes to a class repository.



Let me know if you find other good references I should include!


  1. The first thing you'll need to do is register a github account (if you don't already have one). Go to github.com and select "Sign Up" (you can also register through the GUI applications, see the above tutorials).
  2. Once you've registered an account, send the professor an email letting him know what your username is. That way he can add you to the class list in GitHub and give you access to the repositories.
    • You should register a username that is similar to your UPS username--'myusername_ups' or 'myusername_cs315' would be ideal. This will make it easier for us to collaborate and for the professor to figure out who submitted what, rather than needing to figure out who 'LeetCoder2013' is.
    • If you already have a user account on github (whose username is not immediately identifiable as you), you should register a separate one just for the purposes of this class.
  3. While you're waiting for Joel to act on that (please be patient!), complete the tutorial at http://try.github.com. You should also look/work through other tutorials and resources listed above, to make sure you get a sense for how the system works.
    • This is a chance to practice learning from online tutorials---a common practice when doing software development. Consider the differences between the tutorials. Which references make more sense? Which do you like more / find more helpful? Why?
  4. Once Joel confirms that you've been added to the class list in GitHub, log into GitHub and access the Lab 1 repository at https://github.com/UPS-CS240-F13/Lab1.
  5. Clone this repository to your local machine so that you have a local copy.
  6. Modify the file list.txt, adding yourself to it. Commit the change to your local repository.
  7. Add a new text file (that includes your name in the file name) that answers to the questions in the 240_survey.txt file. Strong Recommendation: try to do this in a separate local branch, and then merge it into your master branch (see http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching for details).
    • Note that others will be able to read your submitted text file!
  8. Push your changes to the GitHub repository.
  9. Optional: enjoy a cold beverage of your choice. Because why not?


If you've added your name to the rollcall and uploaded your survey, you will receive full credit for this lab!