CS 161 Lab E - Guessing Game
Due Fri Oct 10 at 9:00am
In this lab, you will create a simple game to play! The game is a "number guessing game"---the computer will pick a random number between 1 and 50 (inclusive), and then the player will try to guess it. The player will have 8 guesses. The player will enter the number they guess through the keyboard, and the program will let the player know how close their guess is (if they are "hot" or "cold"). When finished, your program's output might look something like:
Welcome to the Guessing Game. I picked a number between 1 and 50. You have 8 guesses. Number of guesses remaining 6 Guess a number: 25 Your guess is cold Number of guesses remaining 5 Guess a number: 20 Your guess is very cold Number of guesses remaining 4 Guess a number: 30 Your guess is warm Number of guesses remaining 3 Guess a number: 35 Your guess is extremely warm Number of guesses remaining 2 Guess a number: 37 Congratulations, you figured it out!
Note that I typed in the 25, 30, 35, and 37.
If you run the program again (and are less lucky/clever), the output might look like:
Welcome to the Guessing Game. I picked a number between 1 and 50. You have 8 guesses. Number of guesses remaining 8 Guess a number: 25 Your guess is icy freezing miserable cold Number of guesses remaining 7 Guess a number: 15 Your guess is icy freezing miserable cold Number of guesses remaining 6 Guess a number: 30 Your guess is very cold Number of guesses remaining 5 Guess a number: 35 Your guess is cold Number of guesses remaining 4 Guess a number: 40 Your guess is warm Number of guesses remaining 3 Guess a number: 45 Your guess is extremely warm Number of guesses remaining 2 Guess a number: 50 Your guess is very warm Number of guesses remaining 1 Guess a number: 48 Your guess is scaldingly hot! Sorry, you couldn't guess my number!
Remember that this lab should be completed in pairs. You will need to find a different partner than you have worked with before. Be sure to review the pair programming guidelines before you begin; remember to switch off who is driving and who is navigating!
- To practice with conditionals and boolean expressions
- To write a while loop
- To learn to create random numbers
- To practice creating a class and calling its methods
Necessary Files
There are no necessary files for this class, but you might want to have the textbook handy!
To create this program, you will need two Java classes, one to represent the SecretNumber
and the other to be the main class that runs the GuessingGame
class represents the secret number, as well as the number of times the user has tried to guess that number. This is a "model" class: it should have attributes, a constructor, and methods.- Think about what types of attributes are needed to keep track of the number to guess and the number of trials remaining.
The constructor for your SecretNumber class should initialize the instance variables. The number of guesses should be 8. The secret number should be a random number between 1 and 50.
In order to get a random number, you can use another build-in Java class called
Like the Scanner, this class is inside thejava.util
package, so you'll need toimport java.util.Random;
Instantiating a new Random object (use the default constructor--the one without a parameter). Then you can call the
.nextInt(int n)
method to fetch a random number between 0 (inclusive) andn
(not inclusive). For example:Random randomGenerator = new Random(); //a random generator int randomNumber = randomGenerator.nextInt(10); //a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive)
If you want to have a different lower bound, you can offset the result by adding the minimum value to it. For example:
int randomNumber = randomGenerator.nextInt(10) + 1; // random number is now between 0+1 (inclusive) and 10+1 (exclusive), // or between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
More details on creating random numbers can be found on page 283 of the Horstmann text.
In order to get a random number, you can use another build-in Java class called
class will need a methodguessNumber()
that can be called when the user guesses a number. This method should take a number as a parameter. The method then compares the parameter with the secret number, and prints a message depending on how close the guess is to the secret number. You can see how "close" the guess is by subtracting the guess from the secret number to get the difference. Use aif/else if/else
block to print a different message as the numbers get closer, such as:Within 1 "scalding hot" Within 2 "extremely warm" Within 3 "very warm" Within 5 "warm" Within 8 "cold" Within 13 "very cold" Within 20 "extremely cold" More than 20 away "icy freezing miserably cold" - Remember to handle both positive AND negative differences! For example, you could use a boolean operator to check both cases. Avoid writing the same print statement more than once--it makes it difficult o change the message later!
If the guess is wrong, decrease the number of guesses remaining by 1. You should also return whether or not the user guessed correctly, so that other classes will know.
- You will also need to create a getter for the number of guesses left.
class will control the guessing game. This is a "tester" or "main" class, and so should have a main method. In this main method, you should do the following things:- Instantiate a new
object. - Create a Scanner to get input from the user.
Use a while loop to let the player guess multiple times. Think about what the control condition for this loop will be: under what conditions do we want to continue asking for a guess? (Hint: it probably has to do with the number of guesses left and whether they got the guess right or not).
- Inside the loop, you should prompt the user to enter a guess, and then use that guess as a parameter to the
method of your SecretNumber object. - You will want to store whether they got the guess correct or not in a variable. We can then use this variable to print out whether they won or not once the game is over. Hint: should this variable be declared inside or outside of the loop?
- If the user correctly guessed the number, congratulate them. If not, kindly suggest that they try again :)
- Inside the loop, you should prompt the user to enter a guess, and then use that guess as a parameter to the
- Instantiate a new
- Be sure to test and retest your code at each step of the process! You may want to (temporarily) print out the secret number so you know what you are looking for, then you can guessNumbers that are within a certain range to test your conditionals.
- Double-check that your program works perfectly by playing multiple games. If there is ever any behavior that seems wrong, stop and figure out what caused that! "Play computer" and work through the program by hand to see what Java is doing.
- Once you are sure that it works, make sure that both your and your partner's names are in a class comment at the top of both your files. Then submit your program to the submissions folder.
- Finally (as always) be sure to fill out the lab partner evaluation survey on Moodle after you turn in your work!
Make sure both your names are on both the classes (SecretNumber.java
and GuessingGame.java
), and upload the entire project directory to the LabE submission folder on hedwig. Only one partner needs to upload the code. Make sure you upload your work to the correct folder! The lab is due at the start of class the morning after lab.
After you have submitted your solution, log onto Moodle and submit the Lab E Partner Evaluation. Both partners need to submit evaluations!
- When the game is over, tell the user how many guesses it took them to figure out the number, or what the number was if they failed to guess.
- You can use another while to allow the user to play multiple games. Can you keep track of how many games they played and won, and then tell them their batting average at the end?
- You could even have the user specify the range of numbers to guess. You might also give them a reasonable amount of guesses. Mathematically, you can identify any number with around
This assignment will be graded on approximately the following criteria:
- Your SecretNumber class has an appropriate constructor (that picks a random number) and instance variables [15%]
- Your SecretNumber class has a getter for the number of guesses left [5%]
- Your guessNumber method correctly checks the guess, prints appropriate messages, updates the number of guesses remaining, and returns the result (lots of things!) [40%]
- Your GuessingGame class gets an inputted guess from the player [5%]
- Your GuessingGame class has a main method with a loop. This loop lets the player guess for the specific number of trials [20%]
- You congratulate the player when they win, or console them when they lose [10%]
- You completed your lab partner evaluation [5%]