CS 161 Homework 1 - Working with Shapes

Due Wed Sep 11 at 11:59pm


In this assignment you will use the BlueJ interactive development environment (IDE) to practice instantiating and calling methods on Shape objects. You will manipulate these shapes to create a simple picture of a robot. You will also begin writing your own Java source code!

This assignment should be completed individually (not in pairs). If you get stuck you are welcome to ask me for help. You can also ask questions of your classmates, but remember the Gilligan's Island rule!


Necessary Files

You will need to download and install the BlueJ IDE; follow the "Installation Instructions" link if you need help. Note that if you are working in the computer lab (TH409), BlueJ is already installed!

You will also need to download a copy of the Homework1.zip file which contains the DrawableShapes project.


Below are detailed instructions for completing the homework. For this early assignment, I'll walk you through most of the steps. There are a lot of details; be sure and read the instructions carefully, and let me know if anything is unclear!

Starting with BlueJ

From Shapes to Robots

Programming the Drawing

Submitting Your Assignment

There are a couple of details to keep in mind before you submit your assignment.

  1. Make sure your RobotDrawing program works--you should be able to run it and see your robot appear!
  2. You will also need to fill out the README.txt file. You can open this file in BlueJ by double-clicking on the white paper icon in the upper left corner of the class window. You should place the answer to each question below the question box, replacing the "<Replace this with your response!>". Remember to save your changes (select "Class > Save" from the menu).

  3. You will need to upload your entire DrawingShapes folder to the Hwk1 folder on the hedwig server. You will need to connect to the network drive to do this. Make sure you upload your work to the correct folder!.
    • Be sure an upload the ENTIRE DrawingShapes folder--that is what includes all your work! The "package.bluej" file is deceptive--it isn't actually the project or package, just a file that is used to open BlueJ! If you just give me that file, I won't be able to see your work.
  4. This assignment is due at midnight on Wed, Sep 11.


This assignment will be graded on approximately the following criteria (note it will be hard not to get full credit on this assignment).