Turbulence data from Admiralty Inlet are available as Matlab files at http://faculty.washington.edu/jmt3rd/TidalTurbulenceData/ The data were collected by a team from the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center at the University of Washington. The data collection, basic processing, and turbulence statistics are described in Thomson et al, J. Oceanic Eng, 2012. A copy of this article is stored with the data and also available in the Papers folder of the Turbulence Collaborative Dropbox. The data sets are from Nodule Point (ADV at 32 Hz and ADCP at 2 Hz) and Admiralty Head (AWAC at 1 Hz). All timestamps are local and include daylight savings (i.e., PST in winter and PDT in summer). When using the data, please cite the JOE paper above, and please contact Jim Thomson prior to submitting publications or conference abstracts that use the data (to prevent duplication or potential conflicts with student work, and to ensure data quality control is up to date). Another data set is also posted here, using a compliant mid-water mooring to collect 32 Hz ADV data far above the seabed. This was collected in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Lab. Two versions are posted: spectral motion correction, and direct motion correction.