Spanish 110 is an intensive and very quick-paced communicative review  of Spanish which comprehensively covers two quarters' worth of material (Spanish 101-102) in 10 weeks. The objectives of 110 can be realized only through your active participation both in and out of class and your commitment to the added workload that the accelerated pace of the course requires.

As opposed to a "regular" Spanish 110 class, which meets five days a week, this particular course is "web-assisted". This means you will be spending far less time in the classroom and a great deal of time studying on your own with the help of a computer. Quite frankly, you will be teaching yourself Spanish.



1.COMPUTER WORK:(Computer work accounts for 15% of your final grade for this course.)

Because you are only attending class two or three days a week, you will be using a computer to do a lot of the routine exercises from the textbook that would normally be done in class. It is expected that you will spend at least 100 minutes a week doing these computer exercises, because that is the amount of class time they substitute for. You will only get credit for those exercises on which you score a 80% or higher. This does not apply to those exercises that have no scores, most of which are surveys. You will be able to access and repeat exercises as many times as you need.

2.MANUAL HOMEWORK:(Manual homework accounts for 13% of your final course grade.)

You will have a lot of homework for this class. For almost every class day you will be assigned approximately one chapter in the Quia Books electronic exercise manual to do before the next class. You will be informed in the previous class and/or by email which exercises you are required to do.  There will usually be at least one that you will write out on paper and hand in rather than completing it on lineYou will receive credit for satisfactorily completing the assignment (no credit will be given for incomplete work), and the assignments will be corrected and returned to you within two days. I will accept a maximum of one late homework assignment per quarter.


3. GRADED WRITING ASSIGNMENTS:(12% of your final course grade.)

In Spanish 110 you will have three graded writing assignments. They must be typewritten. The topics will be assigned by your instructor at appropriate times during the quarter. See the link on the main webpage for this course for the due dates and topic of each assignment.  NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

4.  EXAMS: There will be three unit exams and one comprehensive final (Exams account for 45% of your final course grade.)

Four exams will be administered in this course and will closely reflect the activities that you do in and out ofclass. All exams must be taken at their scheduled times.. CHECK THE HOMEPAGE FOR EXAM DATES (click on "grading criteria and test dates"). ¡OJO! THE FINAL EXAM IS ON A SATURDAY


6.ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION:(Attendance and participation account for 15% of your final grade for the course.)

Most weeks you will be attending class  three days a week. ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT because it is on class days that you will be using Spanish to practice communicating orally with other people.


            Your LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION on those days during which you attend class is also important. Specifically, this refers to:

a) how much you participate, 

b) your attitude toward your classmates, your instructor and the activities, and

c) your preparedness for class. 

            The following should give you a clearer idea of how these criteria are applied:

   Superior performance (A 90-100%)

            I listen carefully when others speak, and I volunteer often. I speak only Spanish. I actively participate with a positive attitude and treat others with respect. My presence makes a positive impact on what we do in class. I have perfect attendance. I am always prepared for class. 

            Above-average to average (B-C 70-89%)

            I volunteer occasionally and generally listen to the instructor and to others. I speak in Spanish during class with very few exceptions. I show interest and participate in all activities, sometimes actively, sometimes passively. I attend all classes. I am always prepared for class with very few exceptions.

         Unsatisfactory (D-F less than 70%)

            I speak Spanish but I use English more often than I should. I sometimes don't pay active attention to classroom activities, other students, and/or the instructor. I sometimes sleep, read the newspaper or do homework during class activities. I don't contribute enthusiastically during group work and I participate little. I have missed at least one class. I am not always prepared for class.

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Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your Spanish class, don't hesitate to discuss them with me. I will be more than happy to help you out.

Participate in class activities and do not be afraid of your mistakes - we learn by making them. I work hard at making the class atmosphere fun and non-intimidating; it's YOUR class, so enjoy it!

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.

-Ludwig Wittgenstein