The Biology of Human Aging
John G. Cramer

    Since I retired from active teaching physics at the University of Washington, starting around 2016, I have re-directed my research focus toward gaining a better understanding of the root causes of human aging and possible treatments for it.  Below are some 2,000-word AV Columns that I have written about the general subject of human aging, along with a long paper outlining our new theory of human aging, its treatment, and possible reversal.


"The Alternate View" Columns published in Analog SF&F relevant to Human Aging

"Planet of the Geezers," Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine, February-1998.   Telomeres as an aging clock.

"Can We Cure Aging?," Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine, May-June-2018.  Senescent cells, senolytics, and aging.

"Bio-Reprogramming and Multi-Century Life Spans," Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine,September-October-2019.  Epigenetic reprogramming and aging.

"Rejuvenation and the DNA Methylation Clock," Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine, March-April-2021.  Methylation and the epigenetic clock. 

"A Mitochondrial Jumpstart for Age Reversal,"  Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine, November-December-2024.  Mitochondrial degeneration as the root cause of human aging.

"LUCA, Earth Life’s Universal Common Ancestor,"  Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine, July-August-2025.  The evolution of Earth life from single-cell LUCA to human beings.

Paper presenting our new CBC Theory of Human Aging

"Restoration of Complex Biological Components: A Theory of Aging and Working Model for Human Age Reversal," Tom Benson, John G. Cramer, Ronald Rothenberg, and Aida Adlimoghaddam, (to be published, March, 2025)

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This page was created by John G. Cramer on 03/20/2025 and updated on 03/20/2025.