DWEF Calculations and 200 GeV Cu+Cu Predictions

John G. Cramer
University of Washington

     We took these  parameters from our distorted-wave emission function (DWEF) fit to 200 GeV Au+Au and rescaled the space and time parameters.  We did not modify the temperature, the flow or any of the potentials.

Fit Temp etaF Dt RWS aWS stR0 stR2 stI2 t0 Dh mp Chi2 Chi2 Chi2 Chi2 Chi2
  (MeV)   (fm/c) (fm) (fm)       (fm/c)   (MeV) (Ro) (Rs) (Rl) (Spectrum) (Total)
36 222.1019 1.6391 2.66600 12.04930 0.717200 0.113310 0.724600 0.127670 8.135 0.997 123.884 20.17 13.40 31.10 4.52 69.19

    We tried four different scaling strategies:

(1)  We scaled only RWS and t0 using the ratio (1.37) of  the measured electron scattering radii of 197Au and 63Cu  (Red dashed line).

(2)  We scaled RWS, aWS, t0 , and Dt using the ratio (1.37) of  the measured electron scattering radii of 197Au and 63Cu  (Green dotted line).

(3)  We scaled only RWS and t0 using (ACu/AAu)1/3 = (63/197)1/3 = 1.46  (Blue dot-dashed line).

(4)  We scaled RWS, aWS, t0 , and Dt using (ACu/AAu)1/3 = (63/197)1/3 = 1.46  (Magenta  dot-dot-dashed line).

Predicted 200 GeV Cu+Cu HBT Radii

Predicted 200 GeV Cu+Cu Pion Spectrum

Comparison with Measured HBT Radius Values

The Rout/Rside plot emphasizes that Rout is slightly overpredicted while Rside is slightly underpredicted.  However, this calculation was a prediction, not a fit, and the ratio could be improved by slight adjustments of RWS and Dt.  The Moral of this exercise is that space-time scaling works fairly well for variations of projectile mass at the same collision energy.  Further, the implication is that nucleon number in the collision is more important that the initial size of the colliding systems.


John G. Cramer