Table 1: Quantitative/Qualitative Evaluation of the Baseline and Three Alternatives

Evaluation Criteria Baseline PRT Alt. A PRT Alt. C Consolidated Shuttle
Transportation Service and Mobility
Daily Ridership





Avg. ride times for study area (min.) 11.9 5.9 3.4 5.0
Avg. wait times (min.) 5.1 4.7 3.4 5.0
Total travel time 17.0 10.6 8.1 16.7
Trip reliabiltiy Dependent on road conditions 99.7% 99.7% Dependent on road conditions
Personal security Subjectively defined Subjectively defined Subjectively defined Subjectively defined
Change in peak hour vehicle volumes, for key intersections
- 170th/SR99 (% cng. from Baseline) 5,125 5,069(-1%) 5,116(0%) 5,116(0%)
- 188th/SR99 (% cng. from Baseline) 8,663 8,535(-1.5%) 8,547(-1.5%) 8,556(-1.5%)
- 200th/SR99 (% cng. from Baseline) 4,927 4,090(-0.5%) 4,914(-0.5%) 4,914(-0.5%)
Daily airport access roadway vols.(% change from Base) 32,090 28,448(-11%) 29,068(-11%) 30,088(-6%)
Internal daily auto veh. miles travelled 22,456 15,519 17,964 22,456
Adjacency and Areawide Impacts
Total daily VMT for all modes ( % cng. from Baseline) 440,242 427,989(-2.78%) 431,867(-1.4%) 438,010(-0.5%)
Daily veh. emissions (kg/day)        
- Carbon Monoxide (% from Baseline) 11,310 10,995(-2.8%) 11,095(-1.9%) 11,252(0%)
- Hydrocarbons (% from Baseline) 949 922(-2.8%) 931(-1.9%) 944(0%)
- Nitrogen Oxides (% from Baseline) 846 823(-2.8%) 830(-1.9%) 842(0%)
No. of sites impacted by noise (% of total sites along alignment) Same as existing conditions Baseline +72(16%) Baseline +50(17%) Same as existing conditions
No. of signif. views impacted 0 0 0 0
Right-of-Way requirement (acres of land) 0 4.0 2.6 0
Consistency with local/reg. plans Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transferability to other Urban Ctrs. No Yes Yes No
No. of homes potentially relocated N/A Negligible Negligible N/A
Environ. sensitive areas affected (approx. acres) 0 Negligible Negligible 0
Accessibility to a Stop (% employees within study area) (% residents within study area) 33.13%




83.51%(PRT only)

85.9%(PRT only)



Economic Feasibility
Annualized capital costs (1996$) $660,600 $35,622,000 $24,604,000 $335,900
Annual operating costs (1996$) $8,771,100 $10,308,000 $10,598,000 $3,955,000
Roadway operations and maintenance cost Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible
Annual operating cost per passenger (1996$) $1.66 $0.94 $1.07 $0.75
Annual operating cost per vehicle-mile (1996$) $3.00 $0.43 $.57 $3.00
Total annual cost per annual passenger (1996$) $1.76 $4.21 $3.56 $0.81