Suspended PRT System Concept from Spain
- Here is a link to its recent US Patent (US 8375865) -
read the abstract and view it's several drawings to discover its essential
Status as of August, 2013
- In Spanish I refer to the system as the "RIELEVADO" (riel
elevado) or elevated rail and the vehicles as V.I.D.A. for "Veh?ulo
Inteligente con Desplazamiento Aut?omo" or intelligent vehicle with
autonomous displacement. I still have to come up with a commercial name or
nickname in English, maybe make reference to the fact that the system
resembles a canning or bottling line when vehicles move touching each other
at high speeds. You should describe the status of my proposal as N=All on
paper or elsewhere.
- Link to the inventor's blog and Facebook page: <http://theitsinitiativemainflaw.blogspot.com/
It is related to the proposal. I also have a FaceBook page: <https://www.facebook.com/albertozayas.itvtcorp?viewas=100003461415001&returnto=profile>

Last modified:
August 19, 2013