Origin-Destination Travel Pattern between subregions in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, 1990 Forecasts

These maps were prepared by the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul are shown as circles near the center of the map. The data presented represent forecasts for 1990, estimated from survey data collected in 1976. Such survey data are no longer collected by planning agencies and so more current maps like this are generally no longer available. However, the home-based work travel pattern shown is probably very similar, spatially except with larger more dispersed flows,  to the current 2010 travel pattern. The maps illustrate how difficult it is to serve such a dispersed travel pattern with rail mass transit and its minimal origin-to-destination connections. They were originally published in the Metropolitan Development Guide - Policy Plan, by the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities, in July, 1976.

It is important to recognize that home-based work travel is only a small part of total daily travel. The huge trip volume differences between work and all other purposes is very apparent in Figures 20-22 and these trips are generally much shorter and dispersed by time of day than work trips.

Figure 17 shows the home-based work trip  pattern to/from the subregions to the two downtowns.

Figure 18 shows the home-based work trip patter within each subregion

Figure 19 shows the home-based work trip pattern between all the subregions

Figure 20 shows trips for all purposes except work from subregions to the two downtowns

Figure 21 shows trips for all purposes except work within the subregions

Figure 22 shows trips for all purposes between the subregions


Last modified: August 24, 2010