Urbanaut People Mover System - Intermediate Size System

Approximate Cost Estimate per Mile (1.6 km) of a Dual Elevated Guideway - Type 2

Fixed Costs

Type of Cost % of total Millions of Dollars
A. Elevated Guideway, including foundations 41.8 $11.70
B. Passenger Loading/Unloading Facilities (2 stations) 8.5 $2.40
C. Maintenance Yards & Operational Control Facility 7.2 $2.00
D. Electrical Power, Signals and Moving Block Control 7.2 $2.00
E. Rolling Stock (3 Single Vehicles or 3 Car Train) 26.8 $7.50
F. Fees & Contingencies of A - D 8.5 $2.40
Total Cost of Intermediate Size per Mile (1.6 km) 100 $28.00


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