2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems (ISUFT 2000) in Delft, the Netherlands, 28-29 Septmber 2000
International symposium for experts, researchers, government officials and planners working on the development or implementation of capsule pipeline and underground freight transport systems and others who have a professional interest in these innovative transport systems.
Organised by: OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies TRAIL Research School Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands In close co-operation with .
Key dates: Abstracts by: 15 March 2000; Papers by: 15 May 2000; Published by: 25 September 2000
The current transportation systems for freight are reaching their limits in terms of facilitating the rising demand for freight transport and at the same time reducing the negative external effects of freight traffic, such as traffic safety, noise hindrance, air pollution, energy consumption and use of space. The challenge for the future throughout the world is to develop a freight transport system that fits within the concept of sustainable development. Innovations in the transportation technology, tunnelling and pipeline technology could provide a solution. Underground freight transport, based on these technologies is therefore expected to play a major role in freight transportation in the 21st century. In the Netherlands and many other countries developments in that area take place. Pneumatic (PCP) or hydraulic (HCP) pipeline systems and automated freight transport systems through medium- and large-diameter tunnels have been studied, designed, tested and are ready to put in practice. Social needs and technological innovations have brought up ideas to use these systems for:
The distribution of consumer goods within urban areas; The transportation of pallets, maritime containers, pallets and aircraft pallets within an industrial area, seaport or airport; Long distance transport of, agricultural products, ore or solid waste; Hinterland or cross-country transportation of containers; Studies show promising results with respect to the availability of technology, and the economical and sustainable feasibility. Still, a lot of research, development and testing is needed to implement these systems at a large scale.
Therefore, experts, researchers, planners, government policy makers are invited to present their ideas or research results and to join the discussion on these topics at the 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems (ISUFT 2000) in Delft, the Netherlands, 28-29 September 2000.
The first International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems was held in Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A., in September 1999. The Symposium was hosted by the University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) and organised by Dr. Henry Liu, director of the Capsule Pipeline Research Center, UMC. Delegates from six nations attended this first-time event. The 2nd International symposium (ISUFT 2000) will be organised at the Delft University of Technology by TRAIL and OTB because of the interesting developments that are taking place in the Netherlands and in particular at the OLS (underground logistic systems)-test site in Delft. At the symposium we hope to welcome delegates from the EU, North America, South and Central America, South Africa, Australia, Japan and other Asian countries.
The symposium focuses on underground freight transport by automated transportation systems or capsules moving through underground tunnels or pipelines. Papers will be invited from international experts, engineers, economists, geographers and planners working on various types of underground freight transport and/or capsule pipelines and construction and tunnelling technology.
The purpose of the 2nd International Symposium is to present an overview of the underground freight and capsule pipeline transportation concepts, the technological development, the potential area of application and its characteristics, transport performance, costs and benefits, implementation and construction aspects and research progress.
Organising committee
Piet Bovy, Scientific Director of TRAIL Research School, Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University of Rotterdam and the University of Groningen
Hugo Priemus, Director of OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology
Johan Visser Researcher at OTB Research Institute Delft, Delft University of Technology
Arjan van Binsbergen Researcher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology
Gerard Arends Center for Underground Constructions, Delft University of Technology
Ben-Jaap Pielage Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production, Delft University of Technology
Program concept
The symposium programme will include oral presentations by experts, panel discussions, and a field trip to the OLS Test site. Invited speakers will give introductory keynote speeches.
Symposium participation
The symposium offers the opportunity to submit a paper on a topic related to capsule pipeline transportation or underground freight transport system and to present the paper in one of the sessions. The symposium is also open to others who are interested in the state of the art in this area.
The total number of papers is limited to 40 papers. The total number of participants is limited to 100.
Proceedings: The papers will be reviewed and published. The proceedings will be published before the symposium.
Registration fee: The registration fee will cover one dinner, two luncheons, refreshments at breaks, and a copy of the published proceedings.
Presenting a paper at the ISUFT 2000: To present a paper, you should submit an abstract in no more than a single page by the deadline of 15 March 2000. The review committee will review the abstracts and program them into topic areas. When your abstract is accepted, you will be informed before the 1st of April. The full text of the paper should be submitted by 15 May 2000.
How to attend the symposium: Fill in the registration form and send the completed form, By email to: By fax to: +31 15 278 44 22 By mail to: OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies Anne Marie Kraal PO Box 5030 2600 GA Delft THE NETHERLANDS
How to submit your abstract: For the ISUFT 2000 conference, all abstracts should be sent by email according to the instructions on the ISUFT 2000 website (will be announced). The deadline for the receipt of the abstracts is 15 march 2000.
How to submit your paper: For the ISUFT 2000 conference, all papers should be sent by email or postal mail according to the instructions on the ISUFT 2000 web-site (will be announced).The deadline for the receipt of the abstracts is 15 May 2000.
If you are not able to access the website, please contact the organising committee-member (Anne Marie Kraal) for a paper copy of the forms. Please then fax the filled-in forms to ISUFT 2000 on +31.278.4422. You can also send it by post to us at ISUFT, OTB Research Institute, for the attention of Anne Marie Kraal, P.O. Box 5030, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands.
Accommodation: Hotel accommodation is available close to the location of the symposium. Enclosed with the confirmation of your registration we will send you information about the hotel accommodation and a hotel registration form.
International Steering Committee
Henry Liu, University of Missouri, U.S.A.
Steve Roop, Texas Transportation Institute, U.S.A.
George Round, McMaster University, Canada
Dietrich Stein, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany
Yuji Tomita, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Larry Vance, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, U.S.A.
Wolfgang Weller, Beratung Intelligenter Informationstechnologien, Germany
Johan Visser, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
E-mail address:
___ Intends to visit the 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems in Delft, 28-29 September 2000
___ Intends to deliver a paper at the 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems in Delft, 28-29 September 2000 and to send an abstract before 15 March 2000
Title of paper
The registration form should be e-mailed to or faxed (+31 15 278 44 22) before 15 March 2000 to Anne Marie Kraal, Conference Secretariat.
Last modified: January 31, 2000