Intensive Elementary Hindi

Summer 2008

Homework Assignments


NB: All homework is to be done and turned in at the beginning of each class on the day it appears on the schedule.


Week 2.

Memorize the verb ‘to be’ (pg. 21) very thoroughly, so that you can recite it quickly and easily.

Read carefully Teach Yourself Hindi (TYH), pg. 22-32 (Unit 1b-2a).

On lined paper, copy Dialogue 1b (pg. 22) and 2a (pg. 29-30).

Review and memorize all new vocabulary in the boxes on pg. 20 &23.

Finally, translate the following sentences into Hindi:

I am [write your name].

You [formal] are English.

He [singular] is Indian.

That is a boy.

This is a car.

Is he [formal] English?

She is okay.

Are you [familiar] okay?

Is that car Indian?

No, it is Japanese.


Review TYH 1b-2a, and do Exercise 1b (TYH, pg. 27) and 2a.2 (pg. 35, bottom) on lined paper.

Read TYH 3a (pg. 39-43).

Study for Quiz 2 on होना and vocabulary announced in class.


Read TYH 3b (pg. 43-46).

Do the written exercises on postpositions and oblique nouns handed out in class.

Memorize the vocabulary in the vocabulary boxes on pg. 30 & 40.


Study for Test 2 on TYH, Units 1-3.

Read Dialogue 4a in TYH (pg. 49-50), and Section 4.1 (pg. 51-52).