Hindi 311-312-313

Summer Quarter 2008

Homework Assignments for Week 4, Tues.-Wed.


Week 4.

Study for Quiz on Habitual [aka Imperfective] Present (Unit 6.1) and Past (Unit 7.1), and अपना (Unit 6.3).

To review अपना (and habitual present), translate the following sentences into Hindi:

            1.  After class, I go in my [own] room and he goes in his [own] room.

            2.  Please give your [own] book to me.

            3.  In India, Indian people speak [use बोलना] their own language [भाषा, feminine].

            4.  Do you know?  Monkeys [बंदर, masculine] beat their own children!

            5.  [Familiar] say to your [own] sister that we eat our [own] food at home.

To review habitual past, rewrite the following sentences in the past tense, and then translate into English:

            .  अरुण अपने कमरे में बैठता है और किताब लिखता है

            .  खन्ना साहब कहते हैं कि उनके दफ़्तर में बहुत लोग आते हैं लेकिन सब अपना काम करते हैं

            .  छात्र अपने अध्यापक से बहुत ज़्यादा सवाल पूछते हैं, फिर अध्यापक जवाब (answer) बताते हैं

            .  दादी जी दिन भर रेडियो [radio] सुनती हैं और किताबें पढ़ती हैं   वे टी. वी. नहीं देखती हैं

Review compound postpositions (Unit 6.4) and translate the following phrases into Hindi:

on top of the book                    behind the house                       about that boy

for me                                      in front of the big windows        outside his room

Reread Unit 7a (pg 86-91).


·        For Wednesday, July 16 (Homework #14)

Pronunciation Project 3: Record the first paragraph of Exercise 6a.2 (pg 83-the Hindi paragraph you translated for homework).  Read very slowly, and pay special attention to phrasing--you may want to mark the phrases in the paragraph to practice reading.  Only read up to सबसे सुन्दर लड़की है!

Do Exercise 7a.1 on कोई/कुछ (pg 94) and write 5 sentences from Ex 7a.2 on चाहिए.

Also, to review compound postpositions (Unit 6.4), translate the following sentences into Hindi:

1.  Sit outside the house.

2.  Come towards me.

3.  Look behind that chair.

4.  This book is not for them, it's for me.

5.  We live [रहना] near the cycle shop [i.e. the cycle's shop; shop = दुकान (f)].

Finally, read TYH Unit 7b-8a (pg 91-102).