CSS 455 - Scientific Computing
Lecture Set |
For Download |
Set 6 |
Function that provides Newton Cotes weights | WNC.m |
NC(m) quadratures for cosine(x) | NCCosine.m | |
NC(m) quadratures for (cos(x) - 1/sqrt(x+0;01)) | NCCosSqrt.m |
NC(m) quadratures for humps(x) | NChumps.m |
the humps function used here | humps.m |
Composite Newton Cotes for Cosine | CompositeNCCos.m |
Composite Newton cotes for humps | CompositeNCHumps.m |
Composite NC for Humps with variable M | CompositeNCVariableM.m |
Minimization Demo in 1D | Minimizer1D.m | |
Countouring for x2y2 d-function | CountoutX2Y2.m | |
Contour/minimization Rosenbrock function | ContourRosenbrock.m | |
CompQNC - function needed by CompositeNCVariableM | CompQNC.m | |