CSS 455 - Scientific Computing
Lecture Set |
What |
For Download |
Set 0 | Week1 in 2012 is only one lecture - there are no examples for week1. The Set1 examples below will be used in Week 2. | |
Set 1 |
Demonstrates the global/local scope of matlab variables - used in Activity2 |
Demonstrates function/variable scope for function and nested functions used in Activity2 |
Demonstrates availability of local variables between nested functions if the variable is not referenced in principal function. | demo6.m |
Explores summation of series in (1/n) summing in different orders | sum1overn.m |
Explores cancellation in subtraction (two different orders) | Cancerr.m |
Explores roots of 6th order polynomial calculated with good precision | zoomdemo.m |
Explores derivative of 6th order polynomial - good precision - little subtraction | zoomderivatives.m | |
Explores derivative of 6th order polynomial - poor precision - much subtraction | zoomderivativescanc.m | |
Simple Stirling Approx to N! for range of N | stirlingdemo.m | |
Stirling Approx with added correction term for range of n | stirlingwith2terms.m | |
Explores Taylor series for exp(x). error for range of x and range of terms in series. | exptaylordemo.m | |
Set1Archive | Zip archive of entire set of m-files. | set1examples.zip |