CSS 455     Scientific Programming    C. Jackels

Winter 2012                            March  5,  2012


Homework Assignment #6

I expect collaboration on these due to the short time allowed. MP6 (due Mar 8) should definintely receive priority over this assignment. 

Each student is to hand in her/his own assignment at the Catalyst Drop Box the HW6 regardless of the degree of collaboration. What you turn in can be in part, or entirely, duplicates.


The following are to be completed and handed in electronically in final form by Saturday, March 10, 2012, at 11:59 PM.   Turn in what ever is done – no late turn ins on this one.  For each problem hand in whatever is needed for me to understand your work.  This should certainly include a program listing (m-file), the relevant output, and any notes needed to understand your approach.  The notes should all be gathered in one Word document.  The m-files and outputs can either be cut into the Word document or submitted separately as part of the *zip archive.  The m-files and outputs, if submitted separately, need to have file names that identify them as a particular homework problem.  Your name should be on the Word document and in the comments of the code..


The text is sometimes written as though you might be doing some of this work by hand.  You should generally use Matlab to carry out anything but the most trivial calculations here. 


Feel free to work as partners on this exercise, since you have a fair amount of programming to do after turning in MP3 on March 8.  Divide up the programming, but make sure you each understand it and agree with the product.


Problem 6.1  Problem 1 (page 167)
Do not use derivative to bracket this minimum; follow the algorithm #1and Example 18 on p. 160.  Use Matlab..

Problem 6.2  Problem 2 (page 167)

Problem 6.3  Problem 3 (page 167)

Problem 6.4  Problem 4 (page 167)

Problem 6.5  Problem 1 (page 178)

Problem 6.6  Problem 2 (page 178)

Problem 6.7  Problem 3 (page 178)