CSS 455 Scientific Programming C. Jackels
Winter January 2, 2012
Homework Assignment #0 (Test Assignment – no credit)
Survey: By Jan 5, complete the
student background survey found on-line at:
This assignment is to test the drop box submission facility, your ability to get the necessary files deposited and to receive feedback and answer sheets from me.
No credit is given. However, failure to utilize the drop-box successfully on a graded assignment will not be accepted as an excuse if this assignment was not completed. Due at date/time listed on the drop box for this assignment (be sure to check it).
1. Prepare a test m-file with Matlab. It can be any m-file, even just a set of comments will do.
2. Prepare a test doc-file with Word that will accompany the m-file. It can also be anything at all. Be sure you can use the equation editor on your version of Word. It will be helpful with some of our problems. Note if you are using Works instead of Word, it is your responsibility to convert it to *.doc or *.docx format rather than being mine. You may also upgrade to MS Office at almost no expense via the software offer from the ASUWB. (link on course web site)
3. Place these two files in a directory and create a compressed *.zip archive, usually using WinZip. If you create other compression formats, it will be your responsibility to convert them to *.zip format.
4. Find the Catalyst drop box for HW0 – the homework drop boxes are linked off the course home page – and submit the archive you have created.
5. Feel free to resubmit a second time (with a different name) to make sure the drop box allows multiple submissions.
6. After I receive the archive, I will test to make sure I can download and read it. I will return a comment to you about it on this same drop box, and I will accompany it with an attached file that you should be able to download to your machine and read. Be sure to test this capability.
It is important to complete this entire sequence. I will not accept any homework by any other means, including e-mail attachments. You will have the opportunity to submit revisions, and I will only read the last one submitted before the deadline. This is the only mechanism that will provide you with corrected homeworks and/or comments about them. Be sure it works on this test case!!