CSS 455     General Assignment # 4


Guides your work during Week 4 (Jan 22 – Jan 28).





·         During  the fourth week of the course (Jan 23-29), read and study:

o   Turner, Chapter 7 IN THE ORDER: 7.1, 7.2, 7.4(especially Gauss-Seidel),  7.3, 7.6 (pp 248-51), and 7.7.

o   Review for the exam on Jan 30


The first problem of HW3 is a preliminary exercise on a small model for MP2.  You should do it right away.  Send me by e-mail a list of the four converged probabilities, and I will let you know if they are correct.

To prepare for the fifth week of the course:

o   Turner chapter 7 – complete the readings above

o   Begin reading Turner chapter 3.


Homework (Individual) .

·         HW3  - due Week 5, Saturday February 4, 11:59  PM (midnight).

Machine Problems (with partner)


·         MP1.  (with partner)  significant progress this week.  Due Week 4 Jan 24, 11:59 PM. (delayed due to weather interruptions)

·         MP2 – begin on MP2  - final submission is in week 7 on Feb 12.