Homework #5 BES 301   Autumn 2005



Reading Assignment:

Take notes in your class journal.  Be prepared to participate or take the lead in a class discussion on aspects of these readings.



Written Assignment

Write a 1-2 page essay addressing the following question:


The necessity of external funding through grant proposals has become critical to the “doing” of science since WWII.  Consider the characteristics of a successful proposal as given by the text author (Innovative, Significant, Relevant, and Feasible) and discuss how this may have influenced the nature of science and the scientific method in recent decades.


This is to be submitted to the E-submit site for BES301 before class on
Wednesday , Nov 9.  The assignment name is “Grant Paper.”

Research Assignment:

If your review topic needed to be resubmitted, the deadline is Nov 3, 6 PM.  That is also the deadline (with a penalty) for anyone who failed to submit the lit review topic on time.  You should be finding sources for your topic and beginning to think about how they fit together and cover the breadth of the topic.  You should have many more than the final number of sources as you go along.  Your job will include finding the limited list of “best” sources for your purpose.  It should not surprise you to find a source that ends up replacing an earlier one for some reason.  You should discuss your progress with your group (e-mail, in person, or on the peer review site), Rob Estes (librarian) or with me as you go along.  While this phase requires only the source list, the very next one requires a summative annotated bibliography.  So, you should be thinking of that as you work with the sources, rather than leaving all of the annotations to be done at the end of the month.