Constant values defined by MS Office Objects:


For example, in  OpenExcelFromExcel.htm (in Week 3) when using the Office File Dialog to open a file you need the constant: msoFileDialogOpen.  In that example, it is called as a method of xlAppl.Application:


dlgOpen = xlAppl.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen);


JScript does not have the msoFileDialogOpen symbol predefined. Here is how we can find out the value of this constant and then set it in your script


1.     FileDialog is a shared Office dialog, but that may not be obvious from the script.  Follow it in the literature as an Excel method.  Using the Excel Object Model:


2.     Click on the Application object of Excel():


3.     Click on the Application Members and find FileDialog in the properties list.


4.     Click on FileDialog:


a.     It is called with a parameter fileDialogType

b.    Click on the MsoFileDialog Type link given there

5.     Four values of the parameter are given, and the desired constant msoFileDialogOpen has the value 1.

6.     Define this constant in your J-Script code:

var msoFileDialogOpen  =   1;

7.     Alternatively, you could directly  to the Office Object Model Reference for Office 2010 and click on "Enumerations" and find msoFileDialogType there.  Even though you are invoking FileDialog from within Excel, you cannot find this constant under Excel Object Model Enumerations, beause this is a general Office constant (mso...) and not one specific to Excel (xL...).

