SDSS GNATS bug tracking system

Table of Contents

  • What is GNATS and why do we want to use it?
  • How do I get to SDSS GNATS site, and what should I do there?
  • Direct link to SDSS bug database

  • What is GNATS and why do we want to use it?

    GNATS was designed as a tool for software maintainers. It consists of several utilities which, when used in concert, formulate and administer a database of Problem Reports grouped by site-defined problem categories. It allows a support organization, in this case SDSS, to keep track of problems (hence the term Problem Report) in an organized fashion. Essentially, GNATS acts as an active archive for field-separated textual data submitted through electronic mail. It is in our best interest to organize the feedback on various SDSS components, and to make it easy for members to report problems and suggestions. GNATS makes this easy by automatically filing incoming problem reports into appropriate places, by notifying responsible parties of the existence of the problem and (optionally) sending an acknowledgment to the submitter that the report was received, and by making these Problem Reports accessible to queries and easily editable. GNATS is a database specialized for a specific task.

    How do I get to SDSS GNATS site, and what should I do there?

    Point your browser to the home page for the SDSS Bug Database. From this page you can go to the database itself. In either case, the corresponding home pages have links to "Help on using the GNATS system". The help pages are usually sufficient for learning the basic steps involved in submitting a problem report (PR). These steps include providing information for the following fields: Originator, Email address, Severity, Priority, Class, Synopsis, Category, Version, Environment, Description, and How to reproduce problem. In case of difficulties, please contact SDSS GNATS administrator.