Dec 3 2008: First version
June 10 2009: Updated catalog format for Southern sample.
Feb 2011: Northern Format updated to DR7.
Sept 2011: SDSS-DPOSS catalog format added.
Dec 2011: Removed 17 objects
from the Southern sample that were
dropped from the DR7 Quasar Catalog.
Feb 2012: Revised Northern catalog to exclude duplicate
observations. There were ~1,300 cases where the time difference between
observations (dt) was zero. Roughly half of these quasars actually
had multiple observations with |dt|>0.5 days, and they are still
included in the new version but with a revised entry. Also, the MJD
for the r-band imaging observation is now listed to 0.001 day
precision instead of rounded to the nearest day. The minimum observed
time lag for the Northern sample is now ~0.8 days.
Note that if using the old files for studying
variability, you must require that |dt|>0.
Mar 2012: Replaced light curve '1000679' in Southern Stripe 82
sample with correct, noncorrupted version.
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