Damped Random Walk Parameters for Southern Sample: File Format

The reference for these variability parameters is MacLeod et al. 2010.

The following table describes the format of the data files s82drw_*.dat:

Field (Column) Format Units Label Explanations
1 I5 --- SDR5ID Row of Schneider catalog (out of 77429) corresponding to that QSO (1)
2 F10.6 deg ra Median Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
3 F10.6 deg dec Median Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
4 F6.4 --- redshift Redshift
5 F7.3 mag M_i K-corrected absolute i band magnitude (9)
6 F7.3 log(M/Msun) mass_BH(log(M/M_sun)) Black hole mass ('0.000' means none could be found) (2)
7D---chi^2_pdf χ2 per degree of freedom of damped random walk fit (2)
8Dlog dayslog10(tau [days]) Best-fit damping time scale (τ) (3)
9Dlog[mag/sqrt(yr)]log10(sigma [mag/sqrt(yr)])Best-fit driving amplitude of short-term fluctuations (σ̂) (3) (4)
10Dlog dayslog10(tau_lim_lo) 1-sigma lower limit on τ (Bayesian) (3)
11Dlog dayslog10(tau_lim_hi) 1-sigma upper limit on τ (Bayesian) (3)
12Dlog[mag/sqrt(yr)]log10(sig_lim_lo)1-sigma lower limit on σ̂ (Bayesian) (3)
13Dlog[mag/sqrt(yr)]log10(sig_lim_hi)1-sigma upper limit on σ̂ (Bayesian) (3)
14I1 ---edge Edge flag: '1' if on edge of grid, '2' if too close to edge to properly centroid peak (5)
15D ---Plike Log likelihood of damped random walk solution (ln LBest) (5)
16D ---Pnoise Log likelihood of noise solution (ln LNoise) (5)
17D ---Pinf Log likekihood of τ→∞ (ln L) (5)
18D mag mu Best-fit mean of light curve (μ)
19I3 ---Npts Number of light curve data points used in model (6)

Note (1): A value of '-1' indicates a newly confirmed DR7 quasar
Note (2): Taken from the Shen et al. (2008) catalog. A value of '-1' indicates a
newly confirmed DR7 quasar, and thus is not present in Shen et al.(2008)
(although it will likely be present in the latest catalog in Shen et al. 2011).
Note (3): If less than 10 observations, the value is set to '-10'. These objects should be rejected during analysis.
Note (4): Equivalent to σ̂ in Kozlowski et al. 2010, and σ [but in mag/sqrt(yr) rather than mag/sqrt(day)] in Kelly et al. 2009. Related to SF (the asymptotic value of the structure function) as SF = σ̂ * sqrt(τ).
Note (5): To ensure that the time scale and driving amplitude are well-constrained for the damped random walk fit, we suggest including only those objects with edge = 0, Plike-Pnoise > 2, and Plike-Pinf > 0.05, as in MacLeod et al. 2010.
Note (6): Only observations with 5<g≤30 mag and separated by at least 0.5 days from previous observation are accepted.
Note (9): For Ho = 70.0, {Omega}M = 0.300, {Omega}L = 0.700, {alpha}Q = -0.50.

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