Byte-by-byte Description of file:
Field (Column) | Bytes | Format | Units | Label | Explanations |
1 | 1- 18 | A18 | SDSS | SDSS | DR7 Object Designation (1) |
2 | 19- 29 | F11.6 | deg | RAdeg | Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000) |
3 | 30- 40 | F11.6 | deg | DEdeg | Declination in decimal degrees (J2000) |
4 | 41- 47 | F7.4 | --- | z | Redshift |
5 | 48- 54 | F7.3 | mag | umag | BEST SDSS u band PSF magnitude (2) |
6 | 55- 60 | F6.3 | mag | e_umag | Error in umag |
7 | 61- 67 | F7.3 | mag | gmag | BEST SDSS g band PSF magnitude (2) |
8 | 68- 73 | F6.3 | mag | e_gmag | Error in gmag |
9 | 74- 80 | F7.3 | mag | rmag | BEST SDSS r band PSF magnitude (2) |
10 | 81- 86 | F6.3 | mag | e_rmag | Error in rmag |
11 | 87- 93 | F7.3 | mag | imag | BEST SDSS i band PSF magnitude (2) |
12 | 94- 99 | F6.3 | mag | e_imag | Error in imag |
13 | 100-106 | F7.3 | mag | zmag | BEST SDSS z band PSF magnitude (2) |
14 | 107-112 | F6.3 | mag | e_zmag | Error in zmag |
15 | 113-119 | F7.3 | mag | Au | Galactic extinction in u filter (3) |
16 | 120-126 | F7.3 | [cm-2] | logNH | Log of Galactic H I column density |
17 | 127-133 | F7.3 | mag | F20 | FIRST Peak 20 cm flux density (4) |
18 | 134-141 | F8.3 | --- | q_F20 | Signal-to-ratio for F20 |
19 | 142-148 | F7.3 | arcsec | S-F | SDSS/FIRST separation |
20 | 149-156 | F8.3 | [ct/s] | logCR | RASS BSC/FSC full band count rate (5) |
21 | 157-163 | F7.3 | --- | q_logCR | Signal-to-ratio for logCR |
22 | 164-170 | F7.3 | arcsec | S-R | SDSS/RASS separation |
23 | 171-177 | F7.3 | mag | Jmag | 2MASS J band magnitude (6) |
24 | 178-183 | F6.3 | mag | e_Jmag | Error in Jmag |
25 | 184-190 | F7.3 | mag | Hmag | 2MASS H band magnitude (6) |
26 | 191-196 | F6.3 | mag | e_Hmag | Error in Hmag |
27 | 197-203 | F7.3 | mag | Kmag | 2MASS K band magnitude (6) |
28 | 204-209 | F6.3 | mag | e_Kmag | Error in Kmag |
29 | 210-216 | F7.3 | arcsec | S-S | SDSS/2MASS separation |
30 | 217-219 | I3 | --- | 2Flgs | 2MASS Flag (7) |
31 | 220-227 | F8.3 | mag | iMag | Absolute SDSS i band magnitude (8) |
32 | 228-234 | F7.3 | mag | Del(g-i) | The (g-i) color offset (9) |
33 | 235-237 | I3 | --- | MFlg | Morphology flag (10) |
34 | 238-240 | I3 | --- | SciFlg | SCIENCEPRIMARY flag (11) |
35 | 241-243 | I3 | --- | SMflg | SDSS MODE flag (12) |
36 | 244-246 | I3 | --- | Uflg | Uniform target selection flag (13) |
37 | 247-258 | I12 | --- | Bflg | Target selection flag; BEST |
38 | 259-261 | I3 | --- | BLow-z | Low-z Quasar, color selection only, target flag (14) |
39 | 262-264 | I3 | --- | BHi-z | High-z Quasar, color selection only, target flag (14) |
40 | 265-267 | I3 | --- | BFTflg | FIRST target flag (14) |
41 | 268-270 | I3 | --- | BRTflg | ROSAT target flag (14) |
42 | 271-273 | I3 | --- | BSeren | Serendipity target flag (14) |
43 | 274-276 | I3 | --- | BStarflg | Star target flag (14) |
44 | 277-279 | I3 | --- | BGalflg | Galaxy target flag (14) |
45 | 280-285 | I6 | --- | Run | SDSS Imaging Run Number for photometric measurements |
46 | 286-291 | I6 | d | MJD-I | Modified Julian Date of imaging observation |
47 | 292-297 | I6 | d | MJD-S | Modified Julian Date of spectroscopic observation |
48 | 298-302 | I5 | --- | Plate | Spectroscopic Plate Number |
49 | 303-307 | I5 | --- | Fiber | Spectroscopic Fiber Number |
50 | 308-311 | I4 | --- | ReRun | SDSS Photometric Processing Rerun Number |
51 | 312-314 | I3 | --- | Camera | SDSS Camera Column Number |
52 | 315-319 | I5 | --- | Frame | SDSS Frame Number |
53 | 320-324 | I5 | --- | Object | SDSS Object Number |
54 | 325-336 | I12 | --- | Tflg | Target selection flag; TARGET |
55 | 337-339 | I3 | --- | TLow-z | Low-z Quasar, color selection only, target flag (14) |
56 | 340-342 | I3 | --- | THi-z | High-z Quasar, color selection only, target flag (14) |
57 | 343-345 | I3 | --- | TFTflg | FIRST target flag (14) |
58 | 346-348 | I3 | --- | TRTflg | ROSAT target flag (14) |
59 | 349-351 | I3 | --- | TSeren | Serendipity target flag (14) |
60 | 352-354 | I3 | --- | TStarflg | Star target flag (14) |
61 | 355-357 | I3 | --- | TGalflg | Galaxy target flag (14) |
62 | 358-364 | F7.3 | mag | uTmag | TARGET SDSS u band PSF magnitude (2) |
63 | 365-370 | F6.3 | mag | e_uTmag | Error in uTmag |
64 | 371-377 | F7.3 | mag | gTmag | TARGET SDSS g band PSF magnitude (2) |
65 | 378-383 | F6.3 | mag | e_gTmag | Error in gTmag |
66 | 384-390 | F7.3 | mag | rTmag | TARGET SDSS r band PSF magnitude (2) |
67 | 391-396 | F6.3 | mag | e_rTmag | Error in rTmag |
68 | 397-403 | F7.3 | mag | iTmag | TARGET SDSS i band PSF magnitude (2) |
69 | 404-409 | F6.3 | mag | e_iTmag | Error in iTmag |
70 | 410-416 | F7.3 | mag | zTmag | TARGET SDSS z band PSF magnitude (2) |
71 | 417-422 | F6.3 | mag | e_zTmag | Error in zTmag |
72 | 423-443 | I21 | --- | ObjID | BEST object ID; 64-bit integer |
73 | 444-464 | I21 | --- | SpecID | Spectroscopic Object ID; 64-bit integer |
74 | 465-490 | A26 | --- | Name | Previously published name (15) |