My first major research project was developing a quantitative,
noninvasive, laser-based optical method for characterizing distributions of
molecular clusters in solution. Together with
Elliot Elson
at Washington University School of Medicine, we worked out a theory based on
Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) [#2 and #4 in the List of Publications],
which measures fluorescence fluctuations from a small number of clusters, and
then experimentally demonstrated the methodology. In order to obtain
quantitative results, I thoroughly studied the confocal fluorescence-microscope
system using the image-digitization technique [8], and investigated the
statistics of shot noise which is inherent in the photon fluctuation
measurements [6,7]. These studies eventually enabled us to quantitatively
demonstrate the novel method [5]. Measuring single molecular fluorescence
has become increasingly promising lately, and FCS has emerged as one of the
important high-throughput methods for post-genomic studies of biological
cells and macromolecules.
A second project I carried out is measuring and understanding
biomolecular movement, by diffusion and active transport, in complex media
such as the cell membrane and the cytoskeleton. I have participated in
developing the
Fluorescence Photobleaching Recovery (FPR) technique [#3 in the list
of Proceedings & Chapters] and the
Single Particle
Tracking (SPT) methodology [9]. Both quantitatively measure transport
properties of macromolecules in small biological systems. In collaboration
Michael Sheetz who is now at Columbia University, we have used the
SPT technique to study the dynamics of membrane proteins and their
interactions with cytoskeleton [3], and in collaboration with
Frieden, we also used the FCS to study tracer diffusion in the model
system of actin polymer gel in vitro [11]. All these research involve
significant theoretical and computational components. The theoretical part of
our work has attracted attention from the mathematical biology community
[#5 in the list of Proceedings & Chapters]. SPT is now routinely used
to study membrane protein dynamics by many laboratories worldwide. Recently,
we have proposed using SPT methodology to studying polymer dynamics
of single macromolecules such as DNA [34]; and further developed a unifying
theoretical framework for interpreting SPT measurements of linear
viscoelasticity, also known as microrheology [38].
In 1990 in the laboratory of
John Schellman
at the University of Oregon and in collaboration with
Buzz Baldwin
at Stanford University, I started working in the area of protein and
peptide physical chemistry. I have developed a set of models for
quantitatively interpreting the
alpha-helix formation by small peptides in aqueous solution [12], which
include the effects of single residue substitutions [13], interaction between
charged residues, interaction between charge residue and helix-dipole [14],
and coiled-coil dimerization [15]. These studies have provided a quantitative
ground for the current experimental studies of peptides in solution [10,14].
In order to understand the energetics and conformational fluctuations within
proteins, I have developed a novel protein model which combines both global and
local behavior of a protein [16,19]. The model integrates many known
experimental observations, including those from small peptides, the recent
measurements of hydrogen exchange (HX) rates, and global folding thermodynamics
of proteins. A number of useful equations for quantitatively interpreting HX
measurements are derived from this model [20]. This study also has led to a new
view of molten globular intermediate states in protein folding and unfolding
kinetics [33].
Good progress has also been made on several fundamental but
unresolved issues in protein physical chemistry: a model for
thermodynamics of
solvation and
hydrophobic effect, a unified
interpretation for linear polyelectrolytes based on the
Equation and the counter-ion condensation theories [42], a comprehensive
theory for entropy-enthalpy compensation [17,28], and a simple model for
folding kinetics [23].
I have long been interested in mathematical biology. When I
was with
John Hopfield at Caltech and supported by the
Program in Mathematics
and Molecular Biology (PMMB), I started to apply mathematics
to the various biological and biochemical problems of my interests.
Several recent publications reflect my current research directions
toward developing stochastic theory for the mechanics and kinetics of
single macromolecules such as ligand-protein dissociation in solution
[21,26,36], motor protein movement along a linear track [22,27,37], and
channel protein in membrane [31]. I am also working on the integrated
dynamics of purine metabolism, calcium signaling, and mechanics of
myocardium [30], the elastic theory of
DNA supercoiling [24,29], and statistical thermodynamics of
proteins [18,23,28,32].