
PopCycle was the prototype for the discontinued Hardy, Weinberg, and Kuru lab from SimBio.com. SimBio’s current population genetics offerings include Mendelian Pigs, Sickle-Cell Alleles, and Genetic Drift and Bottlenecked Ferrets. A fully-functional evaluation package, including all of SimBio’s products, is available on request.
I am no longer developing or supporting PopCycle. It is still available here, however, for those who want to use it.
Evolution Simulation Software for Evolutionary Analysis.
PopCycle lets the user explore the power of combining Mendelian genetics with Darwinian selection.
Download the PopCycle application:
Zipped for MacOS X (including Lion): PopCycle.app.zip
Binhexed for Mac Classic: PopCycle.Hqx
Uncompressed Windows Application: PopCycle.exe
Zipped for Windows: PopCycle.zip
A tutorial using PopCycle: PopCycle.Tutorial.pdf
- Worksheet for tutorial: PopCycle.Worksheet.pdf
Fine print:
PopCycle 1.0 © 2002 by Jon C. Herron
PopCycle is free. You may give it to anyone you like, so long as you distribute it as a stand-alone application. You may not sell it. You may not include it in a collection with other software, regardless of whether you are selling the collection or giving it away.
I make no warranties or guarantees about the quality of PopCycle, or the accuracy of the simulations it runs. Use it in good health, but at your own risk.
If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to me at herronjc at comcast.net.