Patrick J. Heagerty: Students / Trainees
Students / Trainees:
- Thomas Lumley, Ph.D., 1998.
- Title: "Marginal Regression Modelling of Weakly Dependent Data."
- Current position: Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Auckland
- Iyu Chiu, M.S., 1998.
- Title: "Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models and HIV Dynamics."
- Current position: Statistician, School of Dentistry, University of Washington
- Brenda Kurland, Ph.D., 2002.
- Title: "Analysis of Binary Longitudinal Data with Dropout and Death."
- Current position: Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh
- Yingye Zheng, Ph.D., 2002.
- Title: "Semiparametric Methods for Longitudinal Diagnostic Accuracy."
- Current position: Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Jon Schildcrout, Ph.D., 2004.
- Title: "Marginal Modeling of Longitudinal Binary Response Data: Semiparametric and Parametric Estimation With Long Response Series and an Efficient Outcome Dependent Sampling Design."
- Current position: Professor, Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University
- Timothy Andrew Bogart, M.S., 2005.
- Title: "Estimating Concordance Probability between Censored Survival Times and a Continuous Biomarker."
- Current position: Statistician, Group Health Research Institute
- Ben French, Ph.D. 2008.
- Title: "Analysis of aggregate longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates."
- Current position: Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
- Cecilia Cotton, Ph.D. 2009.
- Title: "Inference for treatments targeting control of an
intermediate measure."
- Current position: Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
- Paramita Saha, Ph.D. 2009.
- Title: "Time-dependent predictive accuracy: extending binary classification accuracy methods for censored survival data."
- Current position: Assistant Professor, McGill University
- Colleen Sitlani, Ph.D. 2011.
- Title: "Longitudinal non-compliance and treatment selection in surgical trials."
- Current position: UW CHRU
- Matthew Bryan, Ph.D. 2012.
- Title: "Methodology for examing differential rates of change for longitudinal data."
- Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
- Veronika Skrivankova, Ph.D. 2014.
- Title: "Methods for the generation and evaluation of scores
used to guide treatment"
- Current position: Statistician, University of Bern
- C. Jason Liang, Ph.D. 2015.
- Title: "Methods for describing the time-varying predictive
performance of survival models"
- Current position: Post-doctoral Fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Leila Zelnick, Ph.D. 2015.
- Title: "Analysis of biased sampling designs using longitudinal
- Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine,
University of Washington
- Daniel Seung Kim, MPH 2016.
- Title: "A computational pipeline for identifying copy number
variation from single nucleotide polymorphism data and application to
congenital heart disease"
- Current position: MD Student, University of Michigan
- Alison Kosel, Ph.D. 2016.
- Title: "Local estimation of patient prognosis"
- Current position: Statistician, Emmes Corporation
- Xu (Rita) Shi, Ph.D. 2017
- PhD Topic: "Multivariate inference and surveillance using population scale data"
- Current position: Data Science Fellow, Harvard University
- Wei Ling Katherine Tan, Ph.D. 2018
- PhD Topic: "Sampling designs for resource efficient collection of outcome labels for machine-learning, with application to electronic medical records"
- Current position: Quantitative Scientist, Flatiron Health