**************** **************** ** stcox ** Cox proportional hazards regression **************** **************** Overview: To model survival as a function of covariates the Cox model may be used. This model focuses on estimates of hazard ratios. Usage: "stset ftime, failure(status)" "stcox tx" "stcox tx wbc" Where - ftime is the follow-up time dvar is the censoring/death indicator (dvar=1 if the event time was observed and 0 if censored) Where - "tx wbc" are the covariates Summaries: STATA will return estimates of the hazard ratios (exponentiated coefficients), standard errors, and confidence intervals. Options: (1) "stcox tx wbc, nohr" -- the "nohr" option means that regression coefficients (log hazard ratios) will be reported rather than hazard ratios. (2) "stcox tx wbc, basesurv( s0 )" -- this option saves the estimate of the baseline survival as the variable "s0". NOTE: if you are saving s0, then this is for X=0 (all of them). So, you might want to center your predictors so that the value X=0 is meaningful. (3) "stcox tx wbc" "est store modTxWbc" -- this option is used similar to logistic regression for computing likelihood ratio tests. (4) "stcox tx, strata(Svar)" -- this means a separate baseline hazard is assumed for every level of "Svar" but hazard ratios within these strata are assumed to be equal (common). A single "tx" HR is estimated. **************** **************** ** stcoxkm ** Cox proportional hazards model compared to Kaplan-Meier **************** **************** Overview: This compares Kaplan-Meier curves to the estimated survival curves based on the Cox regression model. Usage: "stset ftime, failure(status)" "stcoxkm, by(tx)" Where - ftime is the follow-up time dvar is the censoring/death indicator (dvar=1 if the event time was observed and 0 if censored) Where - "tx " is the covariates Summaries: STATA will create a KM plot and overlay the fitted Cox model estimates of survival curves. Options: (1) The "by(Svar)" is required. OTHER COMMENTS: (*) Some graphical output after regression: This is based on the command "sts graph" Example: sts graph, strata(tx) adjustfor( wbc ) This will create survival function estimates for each level of tx after adjusting for wbc. What this means is that we use a Cox regression with log[ h(t,X) ] = log[h0(t)] * tx + b2 wbc and then looks at the fitted survival curves for different levels of tx (ie. tx=1 and tx=0) for a fixed value of the adjustment variables (wbc=0 in this case, and in general X_j=0 for all of the adjustment variables). This is not exactly what I had hoped for... In the end we obtain separate baseline survival estimates for each level of "tx". options: by(tx) -- a separate Cox regression for each level of tx. This means that any adjustment variable is included as a main effect *and* interaction with tx. i.e. log[h(t,X)] = log[h0(t)]*tx + newlwbc*tx strata(tx) -- now adjustment is calculated by using a stratified Cox regression, so that a common regression estimate is used for the adjustment variable. i.e. log[h(t,X)] = log[h0(t)]*tx + newlwbc