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Slide 1

INFO 414 Information Behavior

Information Consolidation

User Centered Design

The Value-added Model


Slide 2

User centered design (Allen, 1996)

Slide 3

Identify a user population

Slide 4

Investigate the information needs of the user group

Slide 5

Discover the tasks that users accomplish as they meet these information needs

Slide 6

Investigate the resources that users require to complete these tasks

Slide 7

Summarize the preceding steps in user models


Slide 8

Summarize the preceding steps in user models

User Group

Information Needs




Slide 9

Consider each design decision in the light of resource augmentation and enabling

Slide 10

The value added model

Slide 11

Value-Added Spectrum (Taylor, 1986)


Slide 12                                   

User Criteria and Values Added
Taylor (1986)

Slide 13

Value-Added Processes (Taylor, 1986)

Slide 14

Value-Added Processes (Taylor, 1986)

Slide 15

Value-Added Processes (Taylor, 1986)

Slide 16

Value-Added Processes (Taylor, 1986)

Slide 17

Value-Added Processes (Taylor, 1986)

Slide 18

Consolidated information is...

Slide 19

Information consolidation

Slide 20

Information consolidation

Slide 21

The purposes of information consolidation...

Slide 22

Information consolidation involves...

Slide 23

Information consolidation involves...

Slide 24

Information consolidation involves...

Slide 25

Key assumptions ...

Slide 26

The IC process incorporates all the roles of an information professional?

Slide 27

The IC process incorporates all the roles of an information professional?

Slide 28

Processes in Information Consolidation