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INFO 414 Information Behavior
Analysis of information
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What is information?
facts and knowledge that are believed to be true
books, articles, memos, stored data
a surrogate of knowledge
knowledge that is publicly observable
a stimulus that alters the cognitive structure of the receiver
whatever an individual finds informing
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What is information?
Thing perspective
imparting knowledge or being instructive
constant meaning and absolute correspondence with reality
easily recognizable (books, articles, videos etc)
can be stored, exchanged, transported, lost, destroyed
detached from the individual
information user is a passive recipient
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What is information?
Effects perspective
intangible, personal, subjective
constructed by human beings
process of making sense
knowledge structures capable of being modified or transformed by information
process of adjustment to the existing knowledge structure
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What is information?
information is a process of inward forming
a process of creating meaning
Sense making
information as the sense created at a specific moment in time and space
responsive to situational conditions defined by the user
individual attempts to bridge discontinuities and gaps
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Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
As intellectual processes (Bloom)
Analysis (identifying elements and organizing principles)
Ability to break down into parts
Ability to see relationships
Synthesis (putting bits back together)
Ability to put together to form a new whole
Ability to combine ideas to develop a new structure
Ability to judge value for purpose and support with relevant criteria
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What is analysis of information?
to do with the effects of information
the creation of meaning, understanding bridging gaps, utility, usefulness
a value adding process (Taylor)
two stages
data oriented - to establish and verify the validity of data
problem oriented - consolidation is focused here. The objective is utility
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What is analysis of information?
converts information into informing knowledge by invoking processes like ...
evaluation; validation; comparison; interpretation
Involves ...
identifying and organizing ideas
bring like things together
excluding things that are not relevant
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What is analysis of information?
involves making judgments about...
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What is analysis of information?
Results in...
presentation of viable options
adaptation of information to problem scenarios
more reliable and useable information because of
standardization, summarization and comparison
May result in..
new knowledge arising from information synthesis
enhanced appreciation of gaps in knowledge
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Analysis of information
process of determining and isolating the most salient information conveyed by an information source and separating this information into its constituent elements on the basis of predetermined evaluation and other criteria.
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Synthesis of information
Process of condensation and distillation of analyzed information from one or more sources and presentation of information in a new arrangement or structure with an interpretative or evaluative point of view
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Preliminary to analysis and synthesis...
Study of subject area (subject expertise) where information will be analyzed and synthesized
Study of users for whom analysis and synthesis will be done
Organization and systematization of the subject or mission
Objectives, resources and constraints. The context in which analysis and synthesis is performed
Determining the evaluative criteria for analysis and synthesis
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Steps in analysis of information...
Preliminary sorting on the basis of subject knowledge and evaluative criteria (E1)
Selection and extraction of relevant or salient features. Filtering. Reduction of materials to be handled
Verification of information (E2)
Sorting of information
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Steps in synthesis of information...
Arrangement of extracted information
Comparative evaluation of the information in different classes or categories (E3)
Decisions related to presentation of conflicting or contradictory information in the synthesis
Compression of information into a form and structure suited to intended users
Evaluation of the final product based on criteria related to users (E4)
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Evaluation stages...
Analysis and synthesis of information incorporates 4 stages of information evaluation
evaluation of information sources
verification of information
Comparative evaluation of the information in different classes or categories following analysis
Evaluation of the synthesized product