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Slide 1

INFO 414 Information Behavior

What is information behavior?


Slide 2

Information behavior

Slide 3

Information seeking behavior

Slide 4

Information searching behavior

Slide 5

Information use behavior

Slide 6

Human Information Behavior

Slide 7

Why do you care?

What happens when the user meets the information professional>


Slide 8

Information practice is about proving information that may become…

Knowledge for action by actors


Slide 9

Rational for INFO 414

The key to effective information provision through resources, services and systems lies not in the increased sophistication of technology, but rather on our increased understanding of human involvement with information.


Slide 10

What/Who are information users?

Slide 11

You are an information user

Slide 12

Are all information users the same?


Slide 13

Information Need


Slide 14

Conceptual Development

Slide 15

Information Needs

Slide 16

Information needs

Slide 17

Types and characteristics of information needs



Slide 18

Characteristics of Information Needs

Slide 19

Information need types

Slide 20

Information Need

Slide 21

Taylor (cont)

Slide 22

A problematic situation

Slide 23

Anomalous State of Knowledge (ASK)

Individuals engage in information behavior when...

(Belkin et al., 1982)


Slide 24

A Problem State

Slide 25

A Problem Orientation (Saracevic, 1988)

Slide 26

A Problem Orientation (Saracevic, 1988)

Internal and cognitive aspects



Internal knowledge state

Public Knowledge expectation


The problem state


External and environmental aspects


Slide 27

Sensemaking Theory...

Slide 28

Uncertainty Principle... (Kuhlthau, 1993)

Slide 29

Information Seeking


Slide 30

Information Seeking

            How an individual goes about obtaining information


Slide 31

Types of Information Seeking

Slide 32

Factors Affecting Information Seeking

Slide 33

Types of Information Seeking
by Level of Purpose

Slide 34


Other examples?       


Slide 35           


Slide 36

Information searching


Slide 37

Search behavior

What people do and/or, as far as can be determined, what they think when they search


Slide 38

Search Process

Slide 39

Search Techniques or Tactics

Slide 40

Search Strategy

Slide 41

Search Strategies

Slide 42

Search Strategies

Slide 43

Information evaluating

Slide 44

Class Exercise

Slide 45

Information evaluating

Slide 46

Information Giving


Slide 47

Information Giving


Slide 48

Types of Info Giving


Slide 49

Triggers for Info Giving

Slide 50

Strategies for Info Giving

Slide 51

Information Use


Slide 52

Information Use

People’s subsequent actions upon receiving information and how they perceive that information helped (or did not help) in dealing with a situation.


Slide 53

Information use

Slide 54

Some HIB Principles

Slide 55

Some HIB Principles

Slide 56

Some HIB Principles

Slide 57

Some HIB Principles