1. Webpage philosophy: Better minimal but current than fancy but years out of date. (Last update: Dec 2024)

2. Positions:

3. Curriculum vitae (CV)

4. Articles in PubMed or in MyNCBI Bibliography

5. Pronunciation of last name: GOOD-row (not gooh-DROW). Yes, I know that’s not how my French and Québécois ancestors would have pronounced it (or spelled it), but who am I to contradict my grandparents?

6. IMDb page

7. Research teams:

8. Office location: Denny Hall M236

9. Contact information:

     Steven M. Goodreau
     Department of Anthropology
     Campus Box 353100 (for USPS)
     Denny Hall 314 (for private carriers)
     University of Washington
     Seattle, WA 98195 USA
     +1 (206) 685-3870 (phone) NOTE: I very rarely check voicemail here; email is a much better choice
     +1 (206) 543-3285 (fax) NOTE: If you send a fax it would be my first one in decades!
     goodreau /at/ uw /dot/ edu (email)

10. Centers of affiliation:

     Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
     Center for AIDS and STD / Center for AIDS Research
     Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
     eScience Institute
     Quantiative Ecology and Resource Management

11. Research interests: Human infectious disease ecology; HIV; sexual behavior; sexual networks; social network analysis; exponential random graph models; epidemic modeling; agent-based modeling; demography; sexual and gender minorities; gay and bisexual men; men who have sex with men (MSM); trans/nonbinary people; HIV disparities; pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP); condoms; HIV treatment; sexual role segregation; serosorting; commercial sex venues; STDs; gonorrhea; chlamydia; syphilis; viral evolution; phylogenetics; social structure; modeling and the philosophy of science; friendship networks; homophily; transitivity.