Courses in Genetics

For a university so renowned for genetics, it can be very difficult for undergraduates who were drawn by that reputation to locate the departments which are offering relevant coursework!

To that end, here is a listing of departments which offer genetics-related coursework, or things which seem like sensible considerations for people who have enjoyed some of my classes and want to explore related topics further. Remember that courses with a 1XX-4XX designation are for undergraduates, while 5XX courses are for graduate students only!

Are you interested in something else specific? Keep in mind that you can search the UW course catalog by adding "site:" to a google search for whatever your topic of interest is, to get a list of which departments are offering courses which include that term in the catalog listings. For example, if you find yourself wanting to know more about drug design after a lecture on how genetic epidemiology research can help optimize that process, you can do this google search and discover that Pharmacy AND Pharmaceutics both offer undergraduate courses on this very topic. I had no idea the latter department even existed!

Note that if you're a student interested in applying to a genetic counseling degree program, you will want to take the usual premed-level chemistry/biochem/biology series and as much genetics coursework (above) as you can get your hands on, but also you should consider taking an upper level developmental biology class, a class (other than abnormal psych) in Psychology, and get experience volunteering in crisis work and reproductive services. Please come talk to me about ideas!

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