MAVRIC Brain Architecture
Neuron Types
id = 0
US_src = 2 (ADAPTRODE)
t_decay = 0.0
t_alpha = 0.0
id = 1
US_src = -2(NONE)
t_decay = 0.0
t_alpha = 0.0
Adaptrode Types
Learning excitatory
id = 0
decay = 0.25
extinction = 0.2
wt_max = 0.50
wt_min = 0.0
alpha [0] = 0.4, [1] = 0.2, [2] = 0.1, [3] = 0.1
delta [0] = 0.1, [1] = 0.01, [2] = 0.0001, [3] = 0.0000001
Learning with bias, excitatory
id = 1
decay = 0.25
extinction = 0.2
wt_max = 0.50
wt_min = 0.1
alpha [0] = 0.4, [1] = 0.2, [2] = 0.1, [3] = 0.1
delta [0] = 0.1, [1] = 0.01, [2] = 0.0001, [3] = 0.0000001
Non-learning, fast excitatory
id = 2
decay = 0.3
extinction = 0.0
wt_max = 1.0
wt_min = 0.0
alpha [0] = 0.4, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
delta [0] = 0.2, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
Non-learning, slow excitatory
id = 3
decay = 0.1
extinction = 0.0
wt_max = 1.0
wt_min = 0.0
alpha [0] = 0.25, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
delta [0] = 0.05, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
Non-learning inhibitory
id = 4
decay = 0.3
extinction = 0.0
wt_max = 1.0
wt_min = 0.0
alpha [0] = 0.5, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
delta [0] = 0.2, [1] = 0.0, [2] = 0.0, [3] = 0.0
TR – Touch right
id = 0
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
LI – Light
id = 1
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
LR – Light right
id = 2
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
LL – Light left
id = 3
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
O0 – Odor 0 (Food)
id = 4
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
O1 – Odor 1 (neutral)
id = 5
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
O2 – Odor 2 (neutral)
id = 6
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
O3 – Odor 3 (Poison)
id = 7
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
TL – Touch left
id = 8
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
PN - Pain
id = 9
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
DM - Damage
id = 10
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
FO - Food
id = 11
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
EN - Energy
id = 12
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
LA – Light ahead
id = 0
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.6
t_base = 0.6
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 2 (Light right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 3 (Light left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
TA – Touch ahead
id = 1
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.6
t_base = 0.6
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 0 (Touch right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 8 (Touch left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
T – Touching
id = 2
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.65
t_base = 0.65
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 4
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 8 (Touch left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 0 (Touch right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 1 (Touch ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 3
id = 3
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 4 (Odor 0)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
S – Seek
id = 3
ntype_id = 0
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.60
t_base = 0.60
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 5
reward_src = 11 (Food)
reward_src_type = 0 (SLOT)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = 12 (Energy)
confirm_src_type = 0 (SLOT)
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 4 (Odor 0)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 1 (Biased)
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 1 (Light)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 0
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 5 (Odor 1)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 3
id = 3
atype_id = 0
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 6 (Odor 2)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 4
id = 4
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 4 (Avoid)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
A – Avoid
id = 4
ntype_id = 0
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.6
t_base = 0.6
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 5
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = 9 (Pain)
punish_src_type = 0 (SLOT)
confirm_src = 10 (Damage)
confirm_src_type = 0 (SLOT)
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 7 (Odor 3 - Poison)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 1
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 1 (Light)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 1
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 5 (Odor 1)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 3
id = 3
atype_id = 1
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 6 (Odor 2)
response = 0.0
w_max = 0.5
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 4
id = 4
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 2 (Touching)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
SR – Seek right
id = 5
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 2 (Light right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 3 (Seek)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
SL – Seek left
id = 6
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 3 (Light left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 3 (Seek)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
SA – Seek ahead
id = 7
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 5 (Seek right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 6 (Seek left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AR – Avoid right
id = 8
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 3
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 2 (Light right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 0 (Touch right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 4 (Avoid)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AL – Avoid left
id = 9
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 3
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 3 (Light left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 4 (Avoid)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 8 (Touch left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AA – Avoid ahead
id = 10
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 8 (Avoid right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 9 (Avoid left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
GR – Go right
id = 11
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.0
t_base = 0.0
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 3
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 10 (Avoid ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 5 (Seek right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 9 (Avoid left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
GL – Go left
id = 12
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.0
t_base = 0.0
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 3
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 8 (Avoid right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 6 (Seek left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 8 (Avoid right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
GS – Go straight
id = 13
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.0
t_base = 0.0
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 0 (Light ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 7 (Seek ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
SL – Slow
id = 14
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.0
t_base = 0.0
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 4
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 9 (Avoid left)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 0 (Light ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 8 (Avoid right)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 3
id = 3
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 16 (Feeding)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
FS – Fast
id = 15
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.0
t_base = 0.0
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 3
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 0 (Light ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 3 (Seek)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 2
id = 2
atype_id = 4
type = 2 (INHIBIT)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 16 (Feeding)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
FD – Feeding
id = 16
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 4 (Odor 0 - Food)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 1 (Touch ahead)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
PN - Pain
id = 17
ntype_id = 1
out0 = 0.0
out1 = 0.0
thresh = 0.5
t_base = 0.5
sum = 0.0
phase = 0
age = 0
adapt_cnt = 2
reward_src = -2 (NONE)
reward_src_type = -2 (NONE)
punish_src = -2
punish_src_type = -2
confirm_src = -2
confirm_src_type = -2
t_up_src = -2
t_up_src_type = -2
t_dwn_src = -2
t_dwn_src_type = -2
AD 0
id = 0
atype_id = 3
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 1 (NEURON)
src_id = 2 (Touching)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
AD 1
id = 1
atype_id = 2
type = 1 (EXCITE)
learn = 0
extinguish = 0
src_type = 0 (SLOT)
src_id = 7 (Odor 3 - Poison)
response = 0.0
w_max = 1.0
w[0] = 0.0, w[1] = 0.0, w[2] = 0.0, w[3] = 0.0
age = 0
GRS – Go right slot
id = 0
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 11 (Go right)
GLS – Go left slot
id = 1
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 12 (Go left)
GSS – Go straight slot
id = 2
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 13 (Go straight)
SLS – Slow slot
id = 3
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 14 (Slow)
FSS – Fast slot
id = 4
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 15 (Fast)
FDS – Feeding slot
id = 5
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 16 (Feeding)
PNS – Pain slot
id = 6
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 17 (Pain)
BTS – Back and Turn slot
id = 7
greyscale = 0
value = 0.0
neuron_id = 10 (Avoid ahead)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-9907102.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.